Learning objectives
In line with the guidelines of the "Institute for International Medical Education (IIME), Task force for Assessment" and, at the national level, of the Schools of Medicine Presidents’ Permanent Conference, the course aims at providing students with knowledge and understanding of the main themes in hygiene and public health. At the end of the course the students should be able to describe and assess the main determinants of health and to understand the importance of protecting and promoting health at the community level. In addition, they should be able to apply the acquired knowledge and understanding in epidemiologic methods in order to read and interpret scientific literature as well as in healthcare management in order to assess health systems’ features. The course also aims at providing students with the ability to gather and interpret relevant data to inform judgments that include reflection on relevant public health issues and with the ability to communicate ideas, problems and solutions to both specialist and non-specialist audiences. Last but not least, the course aims at providing student with solid learning and study methods that can be transferred to other fields of study as well as to professional life.
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Course unit content
Epidemiology and health organization
The National Health System
Determinants of health and disease
Prevention, surveillance and control of health risks
infectious diseases preventable with vaccine and other infectious diseases
Environment and health
Full programme
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• Signorelli C. Igiene, Epidemiologia e Sanità Pubblica (Secrets, VI EDIZIONE). SEU, Roma, 2011.
• Barbuti S, Bellelli E, Fara GM, Giammanco G. Igiene e medicina preventiva (4° ediz). Monduzzi, Bologna, 2011.
• Tarsitani G, Signorelli C, Mastroeni I. Igiene, Epidemiologia e Sanità Pubblica. 5000 Quesiti a scelta multipla (V EDIZIONE). SEU Roma, 2012
• Materiale didattico utilizzato durante le lezioni fornito dal docente
Teaching methods
The course will be taught through frontal lectures as well as through case reports and interactive sessions that allow students to be faced with real word challenges and to understand how epidemiology and public health instruments are relevant and powerful across-the-board in health.
Assessment methods and criteria
Written exams in itinere (MCQs) and one oral exam on the material covered up in class.
Written exams’ grades are valid for the academic year 2016-17.
Written exams will assess students’ learning and understanding during the course; the oral exam will assess students’ critical analysis, communication skills and synthesis ability at the end of the course.
Other information
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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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