Learning objectives
Knowledge and understanding: historical outline of the period, knowledge of main educational institutions, ability in interconnecting these two aspects.
Applying knowledge and understanding: interpretating some texts of the given period, using simple historical-comparative tools.
Making judgements: this is the main transversal goal of the course.
Communication skills: Ability to explain his own work in reading and interpretating texts with a correct and pertinent Language, even if not technical.
Learning skills: proportional to individual talents.
Course unit content
Title of the course: Courtiers and Reformers. Comparing two educational models
1. "L’educazione umanistica in Italia: testi scelti e illustrati a cura di Eugenio Garin", 2a edizione, Bari, Laterza, 1953
2. Francesco Negri, "Tragedia intitolata Libero Arbitrio", a cura di C. Casalini e L. Salvarani, Roma, Anicia, 2014
3. Alessandro Piccolomini, "Della Institutione di tutta la vita dell’huomo nato nobile e in città libera" (1542) – selezione dal testo
4. Aldo Scaglione, "Metodi e programmi nell’educazione umanistica", “Italica”, Vol. 36, No. 3 (Sep., 1959), pp. 212-221 (articolo)
Teaching methods
Lecture; reading with comments; debate in the classroom; where possible, collective exercices on selected texts.