Learning objectives
At the end of the course the students will be able to understand the main themes and to reflect on them in a critical way. In particular, they should show that they have acquired the main theoretical references and research that enhance the active protagonism of children; they should also show the competence to critically analyze what it means to promote voices and perspectives of children in various educational contexts, the conditions under which this is possible (also with regards to the image of the child and to the social representasions of infancy) and through which educational practices.
Course unit content
The course aims at analyizing both the issue of children's listening and participation in their processes of growth and development and the image of child and infancy the adults have.
The course will deal with issues and problems related to the children's voices and perspectives.
In particular, the course will deep conditions and possibilities of promoting children's autonomy and participation in different contexts and in different situations.
These issues will be discussed with reference to the fundamental Theories of Ecec education in the Twentieth Century and in particular to an ecological, systemic and socio-constructivist approach.
1. Rogoff B., La natura culturale dello sviluppo, Collana: Pedagogie dello sviluppo, Raffaello Cortina Editore, Milano, 2004
2. on-line resources in elly.alef.unipr.it .
3. one of the following books:
- Crispoldi S. (a cura di), Cuore, Mente, Mano. Il senso della cura nei servizi educativi 0-6 anni, Aracne, Roma, forthcoming
- Lazzari A. (a cura di), Un quadro europeo per la qualità dei servizi educativi e di cura per l’infanzia: proposta di principi chiave, Zeroseiup, Bergamo, 2016
- Mantovani S., Calidoni P. (a cura di), Accogliere per educare. Pratiche e saperi nei servizi educativi per l’infanzia, Erickson, Trento, 2008
- Mantovani S., Silva C. e Freschi E. (a cura di), Didattica e nido d’infanzia, Junior-Spaggiari, Parma, 2016
- Mortari L. (a cura di), La ricerca per i bambini, Mondadori Università, Milano, 2009
- Veuthey C., Marcoux G. et Grange T. (dir), L’école premiére en question. Analyses et réflections à partir des pratiques d’évaluation, EME, Bruxelles, 2016
Teaching methods
The course includes, in addition to lectures and theoretical reflections, even the direct involvement of students through case-studies, work-group and discussions in plenary. The students will be also involved in the analysis of different materials about pedagogical documentation.
Some experts' voices will enrich the course.
Assessment methods and criteria
The students' learnings will be evaluate through a written test which includes questions about: a) the student's knowledge about the main theories and topics about children's participation b) the student's competence about reflecting on specific themes in a critical way c) the student's competence about analyzing issues across different contexts and perspectives.