Learning objectives
I. Basic knowledge of some of the main issues in Philosophy of Perception; acquiring the necessary basic philosophical vocabulary to read and understand philosophical texts about perception; (Dublin Descriptors 1: knowledge and understanding). II. ability to read, understand, analyze and interpret philosophical texts on perceptual issues (Dublin Descriptors 2: applying knowledge and understanding); III. ability to value the epistemological aspects of the various theories of perception in their cultural ground (Dublin Descriptors 3: making judgements); IV. ability to devise and sustain arguments and make judgements (Dublin Descriptors 5: communication skills).V. promoting self-direction in learning (Dublin Descriptors 5: learning skills).
No specific prerequisites required
Course unit content
Philosophical problems of perception
Full programme
The aim of this course is to provide an introduction to some central topics in philosophy of perception. The first lessons will offer a general overview and introduction (i.e. concepts, definitions, approaches) to the epistemological problems of perception. Later we shall discuss these issues by examining authors like Descartes, Schopenhauer, Austin. In the second part of the course, the problem of perception will be examined also in relation to the phenomenological tradition and the neuroscientific point of view.
Module A (6 credits):
- A. Paternoster, Il filosofo e i sensi, Roma, Carocci, 2007, pp. 7-56 pp. 57-124
- Cartesio, Meditazioni Metafisiche (any edition): First and Second Meditation
- A. Schopenhauer, Il mondo come volontà e rappresentazione (any edition): First Book («Il mondo come rappresentazione»
- J. Hospers, La percezione: a che cosa assomiglia il mondo?, in J. Hospers, Introduzione all’analisi filosofica, Mondadori Università, 2003, pp. 87-118
Module B (6 credits):
- A. Paternoster, Il filosofo e i sensi, Roma, Carocci, 2007, pp. 57-124
- S. Zeki, Neurologia dell’ambiguità, in G. Lucignani, A. Pinotti (ed.), Immagini della mente, Milano, Cortina, 2007, pp. 83-119.
- V. Gallese, Corpo vivo, simulazione incarnata e intersoggettività. Una prospettiva neurofenomenologica, in M. Cappuccio (ed.), Neurofenomenologia. Le scienze della mente e la sfida dell’esperienza cosciente, Milano, Bruno Mondadori, 2006, pp. 293-326
- J.L. Austin, Senso e sensibilia, Genova, Marietti, 2001, caps. I-V.
- S. Gallagher & D. Zahavi, La mente fenomenologica. Filosofia della mente e scienze cognitive, Milano, Raffaello Cortina, 2009, cap. 5 (Percezione, pp. 137-162).
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons and seminars