Learning objectives
The objectives of the course of Principles of Microbiological Diagnosis are to enable the acquisition of knowledge and understanding about the criteria for the direct and indirect laboratory diagnosis of infectious diseases caused by bacteria, fungi, protozoa and viruses and the evaluation of the in vitro susceptibility of microorganisms to antibiotics. The course also aims to provide the ability to apply in occupational contexts the knowledge and understanding acquired in the field of microbiological diagnosis.
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Course unit content
Criteria for the direct and indirect microbiological diagnosis. Microscopic examination in bacteriology, mycology, parasitology and virology. Cultural examination in bacteriology, mycology, parasitology and virology. Serological examination in bacteriology, mycology parasitology and virology. In vitro susceptibility testing of microorganisms to antibiotics.
Full programme
Criteria for the direct microbiological diagnosis. Criteria for the indirect microbiological diagnosis. Principles of direct bacteriological, mycological, parasitological and virological microscopical examination. Principles of bacteriological, mycological, parasitological and virological cultural examination. Principles of the bacteriological, mycological, parasitological and virological serological examination. Principles for the execution of drug susceptibility testing of microorganisms.
M. La Placa. "Principi di Microbiologia Medica", Società Editrice Esculapio, Bologna.
Teaching methods
Lectures accompanied by visual aids will be used to convey critical information on the arguments relating to the contents of the course.
Assessment methods and criteria
The outcomes of learning will be verified through an oral examination. Questions on the arguments relating to the contents of the course will be used to evaluate the knowledge and understanding of the student in the scientific discipline, and her/his ability to apply such acquisitions in occupational contexts.
Failure to answer to one question, or proven inability to demonstrate at least a basic knowledge on the subject, will prevent the successful completion of the exam.
Upon successful completion of the examination, the student will be declared eligible.
Other information
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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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