Learning objectives
• Understand where does the computer and where it is taking at the moment.
• Provide basic knowledge on the structure of a personal computer.
• Giving all the elements for the use of common office applications.
Full programme
• A brief history of computing: from the abacus to modern computers.
• The importance of Artificiali Intelligence (A.I.): Pascal, Turing and Minsky today.
• The unit of measurement information and flow charts.
• Hardware: components according VON NEUMANN (CPU, RAM, peripheral I/O, BUS).
• Software: Operating system and classification, processes and application software.
• Use basics S.O. Windows 7: Creating folders, files, and task manager
• Using Word basics (page layout, formatting text, paragraphs, tables and objects, headers and footers, table of contents).
• Using Excels basics (variable cell, formulas, functions, basics of statistics and graphics)
• Simple problems of developing algorithms and flowcharts
• Slide Professor's found at https://didattica.unipr.it/enrol/index.php?id=2771 upon registration through authentication
• Giovanni Raho, Informatica applicata con applicazioni statistiche del foglio elettronico, Bottega del libro, Parma 2013
Assessment methods and criteria
Practical test in the computer lab which aims to assess the ability to use common office applications (Word, Excel) and theoretical question.