cod. 1004842

Academic year 2012/13
1° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Fisica applicata (a beni culturali, ambientali, biologia e medicina) (FIS/07)
Scienze propedeutiche
Type of training activity
24 hours
of face-to-face activities
3 credits
hub: -
course unit
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Learning objectives

The most specific contents of the course are essentially intended to cover the basic aspects of the Physics regarding the electric, magnetic, and radiative properties, with a double purpose: 1) to give the necessary elements propaedeutic to other disciplines of this degree which have a direct physical foundation or should make frequent implicit use of Physics concepts (Chemistry, Biology, Biochemistry, Physiology, Instrumentation, Radiological instruments, etc.); 2) to lead the student to reach a deeper confidence about phenomenologies of daily use, but not always clear, as: light and its properties, also with reference to the most usual optical devices, and eye physical defects; electric and magnetic forces; laws governing potentials and currents; the basic electrical and magnetical ingredients; the substantial differences between continuous and alternate situations; features of the electromagnetic field and its propagation; atomic and nuclear structures with particular regard to X, alpha, beta and gamma radiative emissions; perturbation induced by radiation in the matter; revelation and control methods.


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Course unit content

Electricity and Magnetism:
Electric charge and Coulomb's law - Dielectric constant - The electric field - Electric
work and electrostatic potential - Volt - Dipolar field and potential - The electric
double layer - Eletctrocardiogram (dipolar aspects) - Gauss' theorem e its basic
applications - Faraday shield - Electrostatic induction and dielectric polarization -
Capacitance and capacitors - Capacitors combined in series and parallel - Current
intensity and current density - Ohm's law and resistance - Resistors combined in
series e parallel - Electromotive force - Kirchhoff's laws - Thermic effect of a current
- Electric conduction in liquids - Passage of the current in the human body -
Electronic structure of insulators, conductors and semiconductors (short account) -
Magnetic field and forces on currents and magnets - Biot/Savart law - Magnetic
permeability - Circulation of B and Ampère's theorem - Solenoid - Electromagnetic
induction and Faraday's and Lenz's laws - The autoinduction coefficient L -
Alternate tension and current - Impedance of a circuit anddissipated AC power -
Electromagnetic waves - Photoelectric effect and photons - Thermoionic emission
Reflection and refraction laws and dispersion of the light - Total reflection and
optical fiber - The endoscope (short account ) - Elements of spectral analysis -
Optical systems, focal points, and dioptric power - Thin lenses and mirrors, and
graphic construction of the images - Compound microscope - Resolution limit -
Optical aberrations - The eye as a dioptric system - Common dioptric defects of the
eye and correction by thin lenses - Wave properties of the light - Light diffraction
and Huyghens' principle - Diffraction grating - Polarization of the light and
polarimetry - Laser light: production, properties and applications in Medicine - The
electronic microscope (short account)
Atom, Nucleus, and Radiations:
Atomic structure - Bohr and Bohr/Sommerfeld models of the atom - Emission and
absorption of photons, andluminescence - X-rays: production and properties -
Mechanisms of X-ray absorption in the matter - Radiological imaging - Nucleus
structure and isotopes - Natural radioactivity: alpha, beta, and gamma radiation and
absorption properties - Radioactive decay and mean life.

Full programme

Optics: Reflection and refraction - Total reflection and optical fiber - Optical system, focus and dioptric power - Spherical diopter - Thin lenses, mirrors and image construction - Compound microscope - Resolution strength - The eye as a dioptric system - Principal ametropies of the eye and their correction using lenses - Wave theory of light - Laser light.
Electricity, magnetism and electrical current: Electrical charges and Coulomb’s law - Electrical field - Work of the electrical field and electrostatic potential - Dipolar field - Overview of muscle fiber and electrocardiogram - Gauss’s theorem and its applications - Faraday cage - Electrical capacity and capacitor - Current intensity - Overview of the electronic structure of insulators, metallic conductors and semiconductors - Ohm’s law - Series and parallel resistors – Electromotive force - Thermal effect of current - Electrical conduction in liquids - Passing of current in the human body -Thermoionic and photoelectric effects - Magnetic field and its action on current and magnets - Biot-Savart law - Ampere’s theorem of circulation - Solenoid - Electromagnetic induction - Self-induction – Alternating voltage and current - Impedance - Electromagnetic waves.
Radiation: Structure of the atom and nucleus - Quantum numbers, electronic orbitals and transitions - Unstable isotopes and alpha, beta, gamma radiation - Law of radioactive decay and half-life - Radiation detection - Biomedical applications of radioisotopes - X-rays (production, properties and absorption mechanisms in the matter) - Radiological image - Overview of computerised axial tomography (CAT) and radiofrequency (NMR) imaging techniques- Overview of radiation safety.


1. Lecture notes.
2. Bersani, Bettati, Biagi, Capozzi, Feroci, Lepore, Mita, Ortalli, Roberti, Viglino, Vitturi: Elementi di Fisica, Ed. Piccin Nuova Libraria (Padova).
3. Giambattista, McCarthy Richardson, Richardson: Fisica Generale, Ed. McGraw-Hill (Milano).
4. J. Walker: Fondamenti di Fisica, Ed. Zanichelli.
5. Scannicchio: Fisica Biomedica, Ed. EdiSES (Napoli).
6. Resources and links from the Internet

Teaching methods

Classroom lectures

Assessment methods and criteria

Written exam

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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