Thesis/Final examination
The final examination/thesis for the degree consists of the drafting of a written report (final report) that delves into a specific topic within the scope of the academic course's training activities under the guidance of a supervisor.
The topic of the final examination and the manner in which it is to be assessed are agreed upon by the student with the supervisor when the topic is assigned.
The report can be written in English with an extensive summary in Italian. Final reports may be submitted to the 'Preliminary Evaluation Committee', in which case the undergraduate may be awarded a maximum of 1 point, to be added to the grade point average; or final reports may also be submitted to the 'Graduation Committee', in which case the undergraduate may be awarded a maximum of 4 points.
The Preliminary Evaluation Committee is composed of three members of the Degree Course, who are appointed by the relative Course President for each graduation session.
The Graduation Committee consists of at least seven tenured professors appointed by the Director of the Department in accordance with the University Regulations.
At the link below is the administrative procedure for registering for the degree examination. It should be emphasised that graduating students must activate this online registration procedure at least 30 days before the date of the degree examination: