Learning objectives
Knowledge and understanding
Students must be familiar with the concepts and methods treated in the courses of the first year of the degree.
Course unit content
a) Steady state electrodynamics
b) Direct current circuits analysis
c) Steady state electric and magnetic fields
d)Quasi stationary electromagnetic field
e) Electric circuits with sinusoidal supply
f) Frequency domain electric circuits analysis
g) Electric circuits in dynamic conditions
Full programme
a) Steady state electrodynamics
Voltage and currents. Resistances. Voltage and current independent generators. Current controlled generators and voltage controlled generators. Power and efficiency.
b) Direct current circuits analysis
Kirchhoff principles. Mesh analysis, node analysis. Superposition principle. Thevenin's theorem, Norton's theorem.
c) Steady state electric and magnetic fields
Electric capacity. Dielectrics and electrical insulation. Magnetic circuits and permanent magnets.
d)Quasi stationary electromagnetic field
Validity assumptions. δB/δt and δD/δt effects.
Stray inductance and stray capacitance. Capacitor and inductor and their energetic behavior. Self and mutual inductances. Two ports electric network theory. Impedance, admittance and hybrid parameters matrices, voltage and current gains. Two ports connections.
e) Electric circuits with sinusoidal supply
Phasors, active and reactive power. Resonant circuits. Filters.
Introduction to polyphase systems. Three phase systems. Wye and delta connections.
f) Frequency domain electric circuits analysis
Fourier and Laplace transforms. Transfer functions. Series and parallel resonance. Filters. Bode diagrams.
g) Electric circuits in dynamic conditions
Analysys of electric circuits in time domain and Laplace transform domain. State variables introduction.
Teacher notes.
C. K. Alexander, M. N. O. Sadiku, ”Circuiti elettrici”, McGraw-Hill. I.D. Mayergoyz, W. Lawson, “Elementi di teoria dei circuiti”, UTET. R.C. Dorf, J.A. Svoboda, “Circuiti elettrici”, Apogeo, Milano.
Teaching methods
Classroom lectures and exercices solved by the instructor. Using Matlab for Bode diagrams tracing is expected.
Assessment methods and criteria
Written and oral examination.
Students will have to demonstrate knowledge of the techniques for the time and frequency analysis of electric systems including energetic behavior.
They must be able to compute transfer functions and to trace their Bode diagrams.
Other information
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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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