Learning objectives
Knowledge and understanding of the basic symbols and vocabulary concerning functions of several variables, and of the relevant theorems in the field.
Ability to apply the knowledge acquired to solve simple practical problems, and to understand the mathematical machinery employed in non-mathematical courses.
Mathematical analysis 1, Geometry and linear algebra
Course unit content
Elements of differential calculus in several variables and ordinary differential equations
Full programme
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M. Belloni, L. Lorenzi: Analisi Matematica 2 - Teoria. Ed. Santa Croce, 2015
M. Belloni, L. Lorenzi: Analisi Matematica 2 - Esercizi. Ed. Santa Croce, 2015
Teaching methods
Frontal lectures with exemples (2/3 of the course), exercises (1/3 of the course)
Assessment methods and criteria
Final exam, with easy theoretical/practical questions and exercises
Other information
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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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