Learning objectives
The aim of the course is to provide students with theoretical and applicative skills in the context of three-dimensional graphics and in particular:
- Fundamentals of 3D graphics
- Fundamental algorithms of 3D graphics
- Fundamentals of 3D geometric modeling
Applying knowledge and understanding:
- Design and development of graphical applications in OpenGL environment
- C language programming for scientific computing
- Analyze and describe the architecture of a graphics system
Adequate knowledge of C programming language is recommended.
Course unit content
This course introduces the fundamental concepts in 3D Computer Graphics.
Full programme
Introduction. (4 hours)
Definitions, tools, applications.
Graphical hardware.
Revision of mathematical concepts and formulas.
Vector and matrix calculus.
Geometric modeling. Solid modeling: B-rep, CSG, space decomposition,
2D and 3D Cartesian geometry. (6 hours)
2D and 3D Geometrical transformations.
Compound transformations.
Viewing transformations.
Pipeline algorithms (4 hours):
Clipping , Scan conversion, Antialiasing, Back-face culling and hidden
surface removal.
Illumination and shading. Texture mapping. (4 hours)
Curve and surface modeling. (2 hours)
Parametric and functional curves and surfaces
Polynomial, cubic, Bezier, B-spline, NURBS curves and surfaces.
Laboratory practices about Opengl programming (28 hours)
1) Peter Shirley, Michael Gleicher, Fundamentals of Computer Graphics,
Third Edition, A K Peters/CRC Press.
2) R. Scateni, P.Cignoni, C.Montani, R.Scopigno, Fondamenti di grafica
tridimensionale interattiva, McGraw-Hill.
Teaching methods
Classroom lectures (20 hours).
Laboratory lectures about OpenGL programming (28 hours).
The course material is available through the Elly portal.
Assessment methods and criteria
There will be no midterm examination.
1) Laboratory examination (OpenGL exercise).
The laboratory examination consists on the development of a graphics
application on the topics of the laboratory classes.
Duration: 4 hours.
Incidence on the final vote: 50%
2) Oral examination.
Incidence on the final vote: 50%
Other information
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