cod. 1008678

Academic year 2023/24
2° year of course - Second semester
Maria Grazia FERRARI
Academic discipline
Sociologia dei processi culturali e comunicativi (SPS/08)
Type of training activity
35 hours
of face-to-face activities
5 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit


Learning objectives

The course has the goal of making students able to reach knowledge and comprehension of some basic and fundamental arguments of wellbeing sociology, such as life styles and resilience technics., in order to solve critical conditions of psycho-physical wellbeing.


Attitude to observe and analyze condition of psycho-phisycal illness, attitude to apply wellbeing technics.

Course unit content

The contents of the first part of the lessons are about some basic elements of society, such as identity, life styles in contemporary society. The second part of the course will treat risk factors and wellness. A very important argument will be technics of wellbeing.

Full programme

Basic concepts of wellbeing and communication sociology, life styles, risk factors and wellbeing technics.


Ferrari Maria Grazia, 2009, E' possibile comunicare?, Unicopli, Milano;
Martelli Stefano, Nicola Porro, 2013, Nuovo manuale di sociologia dello sport, Franco Angeli, Milano;
files of the lessons.

Teaching methods

Lessons will be above all frontal. The students, however, will be sollicitated to answer continous questions, applying a brainstorming method. The course will be held through lectures to students eithe in the classroom or in synchronous-streaming on the Teams platform, if Covid emergency will go on. Lectures will be supported by slide presentations, which will be available to students on the Elly platform.

Assessment methods and criteria

The final evaluation takes place through a multiple choice quiz that will be carried out on ELLY, upon convocation of the students, divided into groups, on the Microsoft Teams platform, for the purpose of their identification. The test consists of a quiz with 31 multiple choice questions lasting 45 minutes to be performed on ELLY. Each candidate must arrange him/herself for the test in a ruoom by him/herself, with adequate lighting, keeping the audio on and the webcam active for the duration of the connecion, in order to allow the teacher to control the student while taking the test. Therefore, throughout the examination, the student:
1) must remain in front of the webcam and cannot move away;
2) cannot turn off the webcam or the microphone;
3) cannot leave the station before the end of his test;
4) no other person can access the room he/she is in. If the student violates any of the above rules, the test is canceled. More detailed information for taking the test will be published on ELLY before the test is held. This information will indicate links to file identification documents and to connect to Microsoft Teams, as well as other causes of possible cancellation of the trial. The online learning verification mode qill return to being in the presence, if the situation due to Covid ends. One point is assigned to each correct answer, the minimum score to pass the test is 18. The test is graded on a scale of 0-31. The student who reaches the maximum score (31) obtains honors. The questions are designed in such a way as to ascertain knowledge, the ability to apply knowledge, autonomy of judgment and the ability to learn. Neither the final exam nor the pre-exam are foreseen. The votes will be announced on the ESSE3 platform, in the results publication mode, which grants the possibility to accept or reject the vote within seven days.

Other information

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

The principal goal of the course is teaching tecniques, strategies and educational actions to reach a good level of wellbeing.