cod. 1001433

Academic year 2012/13
1° year of course - First semester
Fernando FERMI
Academic discipline
Fisica sperimentale (FIS/01)
Discipline matematiche, informatiche e fisiche
Type of training activity
55 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit
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Integrated course unit module: PHYSICS AND LABORATORY

Learning objectives

To give the fundamental concepts of classical mechanics and integration of theory with written exercises. Attention is dedicated to the understanding of the conservation theorems.


A good mathematical proparation at high school level.

Course unit content

The theory of theclassical mechanics integrated by written exercises, fundamentals of statistical theory of errors, and experiments of laboratory.

Full programme

See the course program on Campusnet.


- D.HALLIDAY, R.RESNICK, K.S.KRANE: « Fisica », Vol. 1, Editrice Ambrosiana, Milano.
- C. KITTEL, W. D. KNIGHT, M. A. RUDEMAN: « La Fisica di Berkely »,
Vol. 1 - Meccanica, Zanichelli, Bologna.
- E. HECHT: « Fisica 1», Zanichelli, Bologna.
- Teaching notes and selected exercises on Campusnet.

Teaching methods

Teaching adds oral lessons and exemplifying exercises. Students can take advantage of the teacher tutoring.

Assessment methods and criteria

The student examination includes both written and oral exams and a discussion about the results of a laboratory experiment.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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