cod. 05953

Academic year 2020/21
3° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Ingegneria sanitaria - ambientale (ICAR/03)
Ingegneria ambientale e del territorio
Type of training activity
72 hours
of face-to-face activities
9 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

1°- Knowledge and understanding
At the end of the lessons the student will know the biological, chemical and physical parameters that characterize the quality conditions of water and environment. He will have acquired the knowledge of the main techniques for the treatment and purification of water and the disposal of municipal solid waste. He will have acquired the knowledge of the regulations about the environment. He will understand the technical terminology in the field.
2°- Applying knowledge and understanding
The student will be able to assess the quality of the water and the environment and to analyze properly the components of the water treatment plants and the solid wastes, within the Italian regulatory framework.
3°- Making judgments
The student will acquire the ability to outline the real problem to find the technically sound and cost-effective design solutions.
4°- Communication skills
On passing the exam, the student should have acquired sufficient correct use of the language with regard to the topic specific terminology.
5°- Learning skills
The student should have acquired the basic knowledge of the discipline that will allow him to learn independently the future developments of the discipline.


The course covers the basics of Chemistry and Hydraulics that the student acquired during the first two years of the bachelor's degree.

Course unit content

The Environmental and Sanitary Engineering course is oriented to the understanding and solution of pollution problems, with respect to the environment consequences and to the actions needed for the protection and restoration of compromised natural resources (water, air, soil). In the lectures, attention is devoted to the pollution of water bodies with slow or fast renewal and the general principles of the treatments that are necessary for the treatment of the water supply (potable or industrial) and waste water (in order to allow a correct environmental load in the final receptor).
In the second part of the course, the problems associated with the management of the full cycle of waste (municipal and industrial) will be examined; in particular, the lectures cover the various treatment techniques (recycling, composting, disposal in landfill, incineration, energy and materials recovery).
Finally the issues concerning air pollution, techniques for reducing gaseous and particulate pollutants and the fundamentals of the environmental impact assessment procedures are discussed.
Even outside the specialized branch in which the course is inserted, Environmental and Sanitary Engineering can be a source of interest for those who want to approach the problems related to the protection and reclamation of the environment.

Full programme

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Recommended books:
Collivignarelli C., Bertanza G. “Ingegneria sanitaria-ambientale”, Cittàstudi ed., Torino, 2012.

Additional books:
Misiti A. "Fondamenti di Ingegneria Ambientale", La Nuova Italia Scientifica, 1995.
Peavy H., Rowe D. et al: "Environmental Engineering", Mc Graw Hill, 1989.
Masotti L. "Depurazione delle acque", Calderini Editore, 2011.
Tchobanoglous G. "Integrated solid waste management: engineering principles and management issues” Mc Graw Hill, second edition 2002.
American water works association "Water Treatment Plant Design” - ASCE Mc Graw Hill, 1990.

All the books are available in the library.
Additional educational material
Lecture notes provided to the students.

Teaching methods

The course consists of a series of lectures and numerical exercises. The lessons will be carried out using Power Point presentations. The exercises are presented and carried out numerically in the classroom.

Assessment methods and criteria

The exam consists of a written exam followed by an oral interview. In the overall evaluation the written test and the oral test will weigh each at 50%.
The evaluation of the oral examination will be weighted as 70% knowledge of the parameters of water quality and the environment, the techniques of water treatment and solid waste management (knowledge and understanding), 30% correct use of the technical language (Communication skills).

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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