cod. 1007222

Academic year 2021/22
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Sociologia generale (SPS/07)
A scelta dello studente
Type of training activity
Student's choice
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The path has the aim to offer ideas of reflection, operational tools and technique methodology in relation to specific tasks to design of services related to corporate welfare and social service task management of a company/factory.


Basic cognitive requiremets.

Course unit content

Analysis of the evolution of the corporate welfare service in Italy and differences with the Corporate Welfare 2.0
The role of social services in the company.
Social services and managing the human factor in business.
The services and benefits with: recreational, cultural, sanitary and welfare purposes.
Consulting and collaborative projecting of corporate welfare employees.

Full programme

Analysis and construction of regulatory texts that, starting from the analysis of specific situations, which can:
 emerge how Social Worker is able to design a process;
 help the student in understanding the processes of elaboration
 help a project definition;
 show students technical writing skills.

Needs and available resources:
 the definition of a social project of corporate welfare
 national and European projects and funds
 the assessment of the needs of employees
 the cooperation between professionals
 analysis of needs

Analysis of current and historical context of the job market and evaluation of the activities of corporate social service and investigation of forms of corporate welfare as they have developed in the last decade.

Professional ethics of the coordination and project management role.


Culture e pratiche del welfare aziendale. Dalla responsabilità sociale alla cittadinanza d’impresa. Elena Macchioni. Mimesis editore.
Attori e territori del welfare. Innovazioni nel welfare aziendale e nelle politiche di contrasto all’impoverimento. A cura di Rizza/Bonvicini. Franco Angeli editore.
Welfare aziendale in un gioco dove nessuno perde e tutti guadagnano. A cura di Di Cola, Ferrigni, Pacetti. Gangemi editore.
Tempi moderni. Il welfare nelle aziende in Italia. Pavolini/Ascoli /Mirabile. Il Mulino Editore. Fiz Perez/Falasco/Margaritelli. Editore Paolo Emilio Persiani.
Il Welfare aziendale. Dallo stress lavoro correlato allo sviluppo della qualità.
Il futuro del welfare è in azienda. Di Nardo. GueriniNext Editore.
Politiche di welfare aziendale e benessere dei lavoratori. Vigano’/Camerani/Lombardo/Masucci. Rubbettino Editore.

Further details:
La Programmazione Sociale (valori, metodi, contenuti) – A. Mari – Maggioli editore
Stato sociale, assistenza, cittadinanza – (a cura di F. Ruggeri) – Franco Angeli editore
Esiste ancora lo stato sociale? – F. Luzzato – Franco Angeli editore

More specific texts which might be derived from searches on the internet will be indicated in the course of study.

Teaching methods

Lectures, group work and individual processing of operational proposals.
Targeted search of texts, projects and documents of on-field experiences.
Research directly at companies (student activity, teacher supported).
Group activities allows to deepen individual communication skills in order to submit a social service project to business customers.

Other information
Relations between student and Company or Institution shall be conditional upon a prior agreement of availability to be sought by the student. The University of Parma forward then a individualized communication to the company or Institution with direction of the purpose of the research.

Assessment methods and criteria

A draft implementation, adaptation, transformation of corporate welfare or social service factory. It's element of added value that the following experience is the expression of a direct knowledge of the welfare system, made by a Company or an Institution.
The written paper may submit a project or analysis of existing service with a theoretical deepening or represent the analysis of a previous operational experience, highlighting the virtues, potential or limits of the project.

Other information

Relations between student and Company or Institution shall be conditional upon a prior agreement of availability to be sought by the student. The University of Parma forward then a individualized communication to the company or Institution with direction of the purpose of the research.

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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