cod. 21884

Academic year 2020/21
1° year of course - First semester
Federica PICELLI
Academic discipline
Farmacologia (BIO/14)
Primo soccorso
Type of training activity
14 hours
of face-to-face activities
2 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

Part 1 - Prof. Cristina Casubolo

Students must gain useful information to analyze their practice, from the Health Organization perspective with focus on the trends and evolution of the italian Healthcare.

Health Organization (Planning, Organization, Management, Organizational models of Health Services), evolving of the Job Profile, and specific education for the Degree Couse.

Part 2 - Prof. Federica Picelli

1. To provide students with the basic theoretical knowledge related to the field of communication/relation.
2. Describe strategies and techniques to communicate effectively with users in general, and particularly with children and their families.
3. To sensitize the students on 'importance of hand washing as a primary measure in the prevention of hospital infections.
4. Describe the techniques to operate safely in the workplace.



Course unit content

Part 1. Prof. Cristina Casubolo

The course will enable the student, through lectures and interactive practice, to learn about:

1. Corporate act
2. Law 833/1978 and birth of National Health System
3. Corporatization. D.Lgs: 502/517 and 229/1999 changes and additions
4. Business budget
5. Quality, authorization and accreditation system
6. Clinical Governance
7. Risk management, tools
8. Guidelines (procedures, protocols, work plans) and DTAP's (Diagnostic,Therapeutic and Assistance plans)
9. Job profile:
- D.Lgs 14.09.1994, n.743
- D.Lgs 26.02.1999, n.42
- D.Lgs 27.07.2000
- D.Lgs 10.08.2000, n.251
- D.M. 29.03.2001
- D.M. 2.04.2011
- D.Lgs 1.02.2006, n.43
10. Staff appraisal
11. Orthoptic and ophtalmology (enabling to professional qualification of Orthoptist and assistant in ophthalmology): training, priciples and contents.
12. Code of Ethics

Part 2 - Prof. Federica Picelli

• The main communication models
• communication styles
• professional communication, assertive, empathetic and addressed to the child
• verbal / nonverbal communication
• active listening
• anger management / liabilities
• outlines on the concept of infection
• definition of hospital infection
• hand hygiene
• the use of gloves and principals barrier
• standard precautions and additional to the standard
• outline the concepts of cleaning, disinfection and sterilization
• the use of antiseptics and disinfectants
• the main sterilization systems: (heat, compressed steam, ethylene oxide)
• proper disposal of waste

Full programme

Part 1. Prof. Cristina Casubolo

The course will enable the student, through lectures and interactive practice, to learn about:
1. Corporate act
2. Law 833/1978 and birth of National Health System
3. Corporatization. D.Lgs: 502/517 and 229/1999 changes and additions
4. Business budget
5. Quality, authorization and accreditation system
6. Clinical Governance
7. Risk management, tools
8. Guidelines (procedures, protocols, work plans) and DTAP's (Diagnostic,Therapeutic and Assistance plans)
9. Job profile:
- D.Lgs 14.09.1994, n.743
- D.Lgs 26.02.1999, n.42
- D.Lgs 27.07.2000
- D.Lgs 10.08.2000, n.251
- D.M. 29.03.2001
- D.M. 2.04.2011
- D.Lgs 1.02.2006, n.43
10. Staff appraisal
11. Orthoptic and ophtalmology (enabling to professional qualification of Orthoptist and assistant in ophthalmology): training, priciples and contents.
12. Code of Ethics

Part 2 - Prof. Federica Picelli

• The main communication models
• communication styles
• professional communication, assertive, empathetic and addressed to the child
• verbal / nonverbal communication
• active listening
• anger management / liabilities
• outlines on the concept of infection
• definition of hospital infection
• hand hygiene
• the use of gloves and principals barrier
• standard precautions and additional to the standard
• outline the concepts of cleaning, disinfection and sterilization
• the use of antiseptics and disinfectants
• the main sterilization systems: (heat, compressed steam, ethylene oxide)
• proper disposal of waste


Recommended readings:

Part 1
-Benci L., Le professioni sanitarie (non mediche) Aspetti giuridici, deontologici e medico legali, Mc Graw Hill, 2002
-Pignatto A. Regazzo C., Organizzazione e qualità nei servizi socio-sanitari, Carocci, 2002
-Orlandi C., Carlo Calamandrei -Manuale di management per le professioni sanitarie 4/ed. , McGraw-Hill, marzo 2015 (Parte 1 - Il contesto: i principali modelli organizzativi)

Part 2
“La prevenzione delle infezioni ospedaliere” AA.VV Carocci Faber 2004
“La pragmatica della comunicazione umana” P. Watzlawick Casa Editrice Astrolabio 1974
“ Competenze comunicative per gli operatori della salute” S. Beccastrini Centro scientifico editore 2000

Teaching methods

During the lectures the contents of the course will be illustrated and discussed.
The course will be accompanied by practical sessions and exercises in order to provide the opportunity for each student to become acquainted with all the possible situations concerning pediatric and neuro-rehabilitation.

Assessment methods and criteria

The assessment of the achievement of the objectives of the course consists of a written exam.
Through questions about the contents of the course, will be determined whether the student has achieved the goal of knowledge and understanding of the content. To pass the exam, the student must correctly answer at least 60% of applications. The final grade is out of thirty, in proportion to the number of correct answers. In case, the student may improve the final score, of no more than 3 points, through the oral discussion of an additional question.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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