cod. 06140

Academic year 2013/14
5° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Malattie odontostomatologiche (MED/28)
Discipline odontoiatriche e radiologiche
Type of training activity
14 hours
of face-to-face activities
2 credits
hub: -
course unit
in - - -


Learning objectives

The course aims to improve the knowledge of the dental, medical and surgical management of patients with oral premalignant lesions and tumours in the neck and head region. The skills acquired will lead the student to develop critical thinking utilizing the expertise on the topics covered in an active diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.


Knowledge of the pathogenesis and clinical aspects of diseases of the mucous membranes and bone District oromaxillofacial. Knowledge of biochemistry, anatomy, physiology, general pathology, medical and surgical pathology, pathology, pharmacology.

Course unit content

To provide knowledge of the epidemiology of oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma through the anamnesis, data collection for medical records with particular regard to specific examination in order to to identify potential risk factors.
To provide knowledge and management of screening protocols, prevention and early diagnosis of oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma.
To understand the clinical aspects of precancerous lesions of the oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancer including new diagnostic and prognostic potential of oral oncology: genetic and immunohistochemical techniques.
To accustom students to identify the patient at risk and the risk of cancerous oral lesions.
To provide knowledge of diagnostic protocols in the lymph node diseases of the cranio-facial region (needle biopsy, ultrasound, CT, NMR, PET) and of metastatic lesions of the oro -maxillofacial region.
To provide knowledge of the management of the patient affected by neoplasia of the cranio-facial area in cancer patients undergoing chemo and radio therapy.
Knowing how to evaluate when to use proper immunomodulatory therapy for immune disorders of the oral cavity.
Knowing how to manage the patient affected by allergies through specific protocols.
To understand the physical principles of the laser, the interactions between the laser and the human tissues and the clinical use of laser in dentistry.

Full programme

-Epidemiology of cancer in the oro-maxillofacial
- The patient at risk for oropharyngeal cancer: identification of systemic issues and risk factors
- Protocols for screening, prevention and early diagnosis of oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma
- The pre-cancerous lesions of the oral cavity: clinical and diagnostic protocol
- The oro-pharyngeal carcinoma: clinical and diagnostic protocol
- The cancerization of oral lichen planus and lichenoid dysplasia
- Biopsy: general principles and applications in diagnostic oral
- Histological aspects of precancerous lesions of the oral mucosa: cellular atypia and dysplasia (classification OIN)
- New diagnostic and prognostic potential of oral oncology: immunohistochemical and genetic
- Management of precancerous lesions and early carcinoma of the oral mucosa: dental management, medical therapy, surgical therapy, laser therapy


- Histological aspects of squamous cell carcinoma: Grading and TNM staging
- Protocols of diagnosing lymph node disease in the cranio-facial: needle biopsy, ultrasound, CT, NMR, PET
- Metastatic lesions in the oro-maxillofacial
- Sarcomas in the cranio-facial
- Aspects of leukemia odontostomatological
- Aspects of lymphomas odontostomatological
- The management of dental and cancer patients undergoing chemo and radio therapy
- Management of the patient in dental and therapy with bisphosphonates
- Diagnosis, prevention and treatment of osteonecrosis of the jaw
- Protocols diagnosis and treatment of bullous diseases of the oral cavity
- The rational use of steroid therapy and immunomodulatory therapy protocols
- Use of new technologies in dentistry: the molecular quantum resonance and the laser
- Physical principles of laser
- Aspects of biophysical interaction between the laser and the human tissues
- Principles of clinical use of laser
- Application of different wavelength lasers in dentistry


Scully C, Cawson RA: Il trattamento odontoiatrico nei pazienti affetti da malattie sistemiche . Antonio Delfino Editore
Ficarra G: Manuale di Patologia e Medicina Orale. Mc Graw-Hill
Ibsen OAC, Phelan JA: Patologia Orale. CIC Edizioni Internazionali
Scientific papers on topics already discussed during the Course lessons

Teaching methods

Lectures, with slides and videos and supplemented by discussion of topics in order to train students in critical skills on the topics and to provide them proper knowledge for the management of the patient affected by specific diseases in the Oro- Maxillofacial facial region.

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral exam, in order to ensure the quality and level of knowledge and understanding of the course content and the ability to apply the acquired knowledge to professional practice. The evaluation will also include the quality of student participation during the course.

Other information

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