Learning objectives
The course aims to provide basic knowledge of the structure and function of cells, the reproduction of living beings, and the biological evolution in general. These notions are essential to provide students with the key to the organic world and the understanding of the subjects that will be taught in more specialized courses.
Course unit content
1. Molecules of life: proteins, lipids, nucleic acids and carbohydrates
2. Origin of life.
3. Viruses and bacteria
4. Structure, function and evolution of the eukaryotic cell and its components.
5. Trascription and translation of genetic information (protein synthesis.
6. Sexual and asexual reproduction.
7. Gametogenesis and fertilization.
Full programme
1. Molecules of life: proteins, lipids, nucleic acids and carbohydrates
2. Origin of life: the experiment of S. Miller.
3. Viruses and bacteria
4. Structure, function and evolution of the eukaryotic cell and its components: biological membranes, transport of micromolecules, sodium; potassium pump and membrane potential, exocytosis and endocytosis; cytosol; cell organelles (nucleus, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes and peroxisomes); chromosomes, chromatin and karyotype
5. Trascription and translation of genetic information (protein synthesis). RNA polymerase,
t-RNA, r-RNA, m-RNA, ribosomes. The genetic code
6. asexual and sexual (meiosis) reproduction (mitosis) Cell cycle, duplication of semiconservative DNA, mitosis, meiosis (crossing over, genetic recombination, independent assortment of homologous chromosomes), evolution of sexuality
7. Gametogenesis and fertilization, egg and sperm, ovulation, mechanisms that prevent polyspermy.
Fondamenti di Biologia (E. P. Solomon et al.)
Principi di Biologia (N. A. Campbell et al.)
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons aided by presentations.