The course in brief

The master's degree course in Data Science for Management (CdLM) - which can be accessed with a three-year degree in specific classes, or by having acquired a number of CFU in certain disciplinary fields, as will be specified in the teaching regulations of the course of study - aims to train those who are now commonly called data analysts and data scientists, who are to be considered as the main professional opportunities. The two professional profiles will be particularly characterized in the economic and management fields, exploring the principles of Data Economy, Data-driven Business and Business Intelligence. The interdisciplinary skills acquired will, however, allow them to carry out functions in different work fields.

CdLM is designed to provide students with interdisciplinary preparation in the areas of computer science, statistics and mathematics, with particular reference to applications to the economic and social sciences. CdLM has an interdepartmental nature as it is managed in collaboration by the departments of "Economics and Management" and "Engineering and Architecture".

As regards the structure of the course, the first year includes thematic courses and workshops introducing the main statistical methodologies and information technologies, from software programming, to data modeling, to the optimization of statistical models, as well as providing knowledge relating to application aspects of economic and business sciences. As regards more application skills, already in the first year students will learn to use programming languages ​​such as Python, MATLAB and SQL which are among the most requested IT skills of a data analyst/scientist. In the economic-business field we will dedicate ourselves to transmitting knowledge relating to digital management and new technologies for accounting and reporting, while in the legal field we will address the issue of the processing of sensitive data. 

The second year is dedicated to the acquisition of domain knowledge relating to credit risk management, computational methods for finance and financial statistics, as well as further deepening knowledge in IT fields such as cybersecurity and artificial intelligence.

The exam tests for many courses include practical activities based on the analysis of real data that train the student in the use of software, in writing reports and the corresponding story telling, typical tasks of data analysts and data scientists.

The course is taught entirely in English and promotes study experiences abroad. In terms of entry into the world of work, the Course will include internship activities, especially in companies and businesses operating in the data science sector.

CdLM aims to train specialists capable of using mathematical-statistical-IT techniques within public and private companies and administrations, including scientific and technological research bodies or institutes, for the management, processing, analysis and use of data.


Toll-free number

800 904 084

Quality assurance office

Education manager

Being defined

E. Office 
E. Manager 

President of the degree course

To be elected

Course advisor

Prof. Marco Riani


Faculty advisor

Prof. Donata Tania Vergura

Career guidance delegate

Prof. Chiara Panari

Tutor professor

Being defined


Erasmus Delegate

Prof. Andrea Cilloni

Quality assurance manager

Being defined




Tutor students

Dr. Marta Barattin -