Enrolment procedures and deadlines

The degree course in Data Science for Management (DSM) is open access.
However, before carrying out the online enrolment procedure, students interested in enrolling in DSM must carefully read the information in this section of the website to check that they meet the admission requirements.

Enrolment https://www.unipr.it/en/enrolment 

Enrolment International students https://www.unipr.it/en/node/100498 

Study manifest https://www.unipr.it/en/manifesto-degli-studi 

Access requirements

Admission to the course of study, curricular requirements and verification of the adequacy of individual preparation and knowledge of languages

1. To be admitted to the Data Science for Management Master's Degree Course, it is necessary to possess a three-year degree or university diploma, or another qualification obtained abroad and recognized as suitable by the competent University bodies.

2. Admission to the course of study is subject to the possession of the curricular requirements and verification of the adequacy of the individual preparation of each student.

3. The curricular requirements for admission are the following:

a. Degree in the economic or business class: class L-33 economic sciences; L-18 economics and business management sciences or a corresponding degree class ex DM 509/99 or a corresponding degree class of the previous system.
b. A level of knowledge of the English language is also an entry curricular requirement no lower than B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The methods of verifying knowledge of the foreign language will be defined on the Course website.
c. Those who have obtained a three-year degree (or other equivalent qualification) in other classes must demonstrate possession of the minimum number of CFU in the scientific-disciplinary sectors listed below.

4. Students who graduated in Italy:

a. Those who are considered to have the curricular requirements are those who:
i. have obtained a three-year degree (or other equivalent qualification) in an economic or business degree class (L-33 economic sciences; L- 18 economics and business management sciences or a corresponding degree class ex DM 509/99 or
a corresponding degree class of the previous system);
ii. have a knowledge of the English language at least at level B1.

b. Those who have obtained a three-year degree (or other equivalent qualification) in other classes must demonstrate possession of at least: 40 CFU in the following SSD:  

ECON-01/A (ex SECS-P/01), ECON-02/A (ex SECS-P/02), ECON-03/A (ex SECS-P/03), STEC-01/A (ex SECS-P/04), ECON-05/A (ex SECS-P/05), ECON-04/A (ex SECS-P/06), STEC-01/B (ex SECS-P/12); ECON-06/A (ex SECS- P/07), ECON-07/A (ex SECS-P/08), ECON-09/A (già SECS-P/09), ECON-08/A (ex SECS-P/10), ECON-09/B (ex SECS-P/11), IEGE-01/A (ex ING-IND/35); STAT-01/A (ex SECS-S/01), STAT-01/B (ex SECS-S/02), STAT-02/A (ex SECS-S/03), STAT-03/A (ex SECS-S/04), STAT-03/B (ex SECS-S/05), STAT-04/A (ex SECS-S/06), MATH-01/A (ex MAT/01), MATH-02/A (ex MAT/02), MATH-02/B (ex MAT/03), MATH-01/A (ex MAT/04), MATH-03/A (ex MAT/05), MATH-03/B (ex MAT/06), MATH-04/A (ex MAT/07), MATH-05/A (ex
MAT/08), MATH-06/A (ex MAT/09), INFO-01/A (ex INF/01), IINF-05/A (ex ING-INF/05).

c. We will proceed to verify whether the candidates respect the following sub-constraints:

i. 9 CFU in sectors SSD ECON-01/A (ex SECS-P/01), ECON-02/A (ex SECS-P/02), ECON-03/A (ex SECS-P/03), STEC-01/A (ex SECS-P/04), ECON-05/A (ex SECS-P/05), ECON-04/A (ex SECS-P/06), STEC-01/B (ex SECS-P/12);
ii. 6 CFU in sectors SSD ECON-06/A (ex SECS- P/07), ECON-07/A (ex SECS-P/08), ECON-09/A (ex SECS-P/09), ECON-08/A (ex SECS-P/10), ECON-09/B (ex SECS-P/11), IEGE-01/A (ex ING-IND/35);
iii. 9 CFU in sectors SSD STAT-04/A (ex SECS-S/06), MATH-01/A (ex MAT/01), MATH-02/A (ex MAT/02), MATH-02/B (ex MAT/03), MATH-01/A (ex MAT/04), MATH-03/A (ex MAT/05), MATH-03/B (ex MAT/06), MATH-04/A (ex MAT/07), MATH-05/A (ex MAT/08), MATH-06/A (ex MAT/09), INFO-01/A (ex INF/01), IINF-05/A (ex ING-INF/05);
iv. 6 CFU in sectors SSD STAT-01/A (ex SECS-S/01), STAT-01/B (ex SECS-S/02), STAT-02/A (ex SECS-S/03), STAT-03/A (ex SECS-S/04), STAT-03/B (ex SECS-S/05).

5. To be admitted to the degree course, you must have a level of English language proficiency of at least B1. To verify your language skills, you may:
a. present an official IELTS (International English Language System) certification, 5.5 (obtained in 2019 or later).
b. ETS iBT TOEFL, 60 (obtained in 2019 or later).
c. Cambridge English Language Assessment, First (FCE) or Business Vantage (BEC).
d. TRINITY COLLEGE ISE, Minimum level II.
e. ETS TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication), Listening and Reading Test and Speaking and Writing Test. Minimum scores: Listening (275); Reading (275); Speaking (160); Writing (150).
No certification other than those above will be accepted.
Students may enroll without certification, but are required to produce one of the certifications indicated above by the end of the first academic year. Students who do not obtain the certificate will not be admitted to take the second year exams.
Only native English-speaking students and students who have obtained a first or second level degree issued and examined in English are exempt from this obligation. This condition must be shown on the degree certificate.
Alternatively, the student must demonstrate that he or she has passed, in Italy, the English language exam with a grade of at least 28/30.
In the absence of the certifications indicated above, the candidate who believes he or she has an adequate knowledge of the English language may request an evaluation of his or her skills in this regard by requesting the evaluation through a specific interview on dates that will be annually communicated.

6. The Course of Study Council, through an examining commission, establishes and verifies the
knowledge of the fundamental notions necessary for admission to the course through a test according to the indications reported on the website of the degree course.

7. The examining commission will evaluate, in the case of students who graduated abroad, the equivalence of the
characteristics of foreign graduates with the characteristics required for graduates in Italy. 

Admission procedures

Direct access is open to three-year graduates who meet the above-mentioned entry requirements and have obtained a degree with a mark of 90/110 or higher.

Admission of three-year graduates with a score of less than 90/110 is subject to passing an oral interview on the subjects of Data Science. The purpose of the interview is to test the candidate's basic skills, so that they can start their Second-cycle degree course with the knowledge they need to do so effectively.

If the candidate fails the interview, he/she is given the opportunity to reapply for the next interview and guidance on how to prepare more effectively.

The interviews are held ON LINE every year in July, September and Dicember and there is no possibility of holding them in another session.

Instructions on how to book throught Micorsoft bookings for the eligible students will be given in this web site within the end of May. 


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Toll-free number

800 904 084

Quality assurance office

Education manager

Being defined

E. Office didattica.sea@unipr.it 
E. Manager 

President of the degree course

To be elected

Course advisor

Prof. Marco Riani

E. marco.riani@unipr.it 

Faculty advisor

Prof. Donata Tania Vergura
E. donatatania.vergura@unipr.it 

Career guidance delegate

Prof. Chiara Panari
E. chiara.panari@unipr.it 

Tutor professor

Being defined


Erasmus Delegate

Prof. Andrea Cilloni
E. andrea.cilloni@unipr.it 

Quality assurance manager

Being defined



E. tirocini@unipr.it 

Tutor students

Dr. Marta Barattin - marta.barattin@unipr.it 
