Computer Science in Physics

In several fields of physics, computer science is a fundamental tool, to the point that in some areas it drives its evolution and contributes to its development.

  • certain simulations in theoretical physics (lattice gauge theories, turbulent phenomena, astrophysics) require very high-performance computers, the optimal use of which requires in-depth knowledge of hardware architectures and their programming. In this field, the physicist-computer scientist studies high-performance architectures, models for concurrent programming and performance in applying these technologies to algorithms describing physical phenomena.
  • In many areas of experimental physics, enormous amounts of information are produced in the laboratory, the interpretation of which requires advanced knowledge in electronics for the interfacing of equipment and in programmes for data acquisition and interpretation. Some physics experiments have a complexity that cannot be handled within a single laboratory; innovative use of computer networks and data management is required, designing new models for distributed processing. It is no coincidence that the WWW was born at CERN in Geneva.

Computer Science in Physics in Parma

The course of study includes the study of computer architectures, methodologies for the acquisition and interpretation of experimental data and computer networks. The research is primarily oriented towards the study of high-performance systems using manycore accelerators, low-power technologies (green computing), related concurrent programming languages and porting problems in theoretical physics applications. Other areas of research are more closely related to data acquisition and analysis activities in the Department's experimental laboratories. Many of these activities can be the subject of internal internships. Internships can also be external of a professional nature, i.e. aimed at the various companies in the area that require computer skills associated with the scientific method.