cod. 1001905

Academic year 2016/17
1° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Storia dell'arte moderna (L-ART/02)
Discipline storico-artistiche
Type of training activity
36 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit
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Learning objectives

The major aim of the course is to enable the
student to make judgment, have an historical and bibliographic
instruments to be able to analyse and understand movements, effects
and protagonists of this fundamental period (first Dublin Descriptor).
To achieve this aim it’s necessary to always use multiple approaches and different methods of analysis observing the Unity of History (second Dublin Descriptor).
Undergraduate shall be able to: use the acquired knowledge to make
personal and mature judgements (third Dublin Descriptor); use the
appropriate technical language (fourth Dublin Descriptor); establish
logical connections between topics; read the complexity of art
(fifth Dublin Descriptor).


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Course unit content

Renaissance and late Renaissance

Full programme

-Arte italiana 1401 - 1630:
-Umanesimo e Rinascimento
- Firenze 1401-1420 Ghiberti e Donatello
-Masaccio, Beato Angelico Filippo Lippi
-La scuola di Piero: Firenze 1434 – 1443. Piero della Francesca
-Padova, Venezia, Ferrara. Mantova
-Antonio e Piero del Pollaiolo. Verrocchio e Ghirlandaio
-Sandro Botticelli. Pinturicchio, Perugino.
-Raffaello. Firenze 1501 – 1508.
-Roma 1508-20.
-Venezia : da Jacopo Bellini a Giorgione
-Roma 1520 – 1527
- La Scuola di Parma; Bologna 1530
- Tiziano
-La Restauratio Urbis Romae
-Manierismo e Bella Maniera. Il Paragone tra le arti.
- Lotto, Savoldo : i precedenti caravaggeschi
- Ritorno al Vero: Caravaggio; Annibale Carracci
- Il Seicento a Roma. Gianlorenzo Bernini
I Bolognesi ; Poussin
Lanfranco e Pietro da Cortona
- Barocco e classicismo: le Accademie


See bibliography

Teaching methods

Teacher orientated lessons with slides and documentary films; possibility
to visit museums and monumental sites; possibility of seminars with
external experts.
Attendance is highly recommended because contents of the course are
necessary to take for some following exams

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral examination. The first set of questions tends to evaluate the basic
knowledge of the program and basic ability to establish logical
connections between topics. The second set of questions checks strictly
the criticism, the correct use of the appropriate language (fourth Dublin
Descriptor), and the ability to establish logical connections between
topics and of reading the complexity of european art (fifth Dublin

Other information

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