Advising and guidance

Depending on the stage of the university process at which these activities are carried out, a distinction is made between:

  • incoming orientation: carried out before the choice of course of study, it is aimed at prospective students and offers support in identifying the course to be undertaken on the basis of individual interests, expectations and aptitudes. In this phase, the various possible scenarios are presented to the prospective student and the alternatives of the university path are illustrated;
  • ongoing orientation: carried out during the university career, it is aimed at enrolled students and is designed to guide them through the courses of study already undertaken, allowing them to establish a better interaction with the structures and the university context.

Guidance delegate

The Guidance delegate for the degree course to be contacted for information is Prof. Simone Ferrari

All guidance-related activities are publicised throughout the year in the notices section of the website.

Further information is available on the Department website: Guidance