cod. 1010932

Anno accademico 2022/23
1° anno di corso - Secondo semestre
Cristina ZILIANI
Settore scientifico disciplinare
Economia e gestione delle imprese (SECS-P/08)
Tipologia attività formativa
56 ore
di attività frontali
8 crediti
sede: PARMA

Modulo dell'insegnamento integrato: INTERNATIONAL BRANDING AND RETAILING

Obiettivi formativi

Upon completion of the course students will have acquired advanced knowledge of marketing topics both at theoretical and application levels. Specifically, acquired knowledge will be:
- loyalty and loyalty value measurement
- impact of big data at organisation and industry level
- assessment of information needs and information requests to marketing information systems
- concept of Strategic Business Unit
- portfolio management approaches (BCG and General Electric)
- choice of development strategies (Ansoff’s matrix)
- classification of products (consumer and industrial)
- managing products and product lines: stretching, filling and cannibalization - setting prices with demand, competitive and cost approaches
- analyzing and classifying channels
- channel organization and management decisions
- promotion analysis and classification
The above results in terms of knowledge and understanding will be attained by means of lectures, assigned readings and discussion of readings in class. Case studies, academic papers and video cases make up the collection of readings.

Students will be able to apply learned concepts and methods to various situations and marketing problems. Students will more specifically be able to develop skills for thorough understanding, analysis and problem solving in marketing situations ranging from growth strategies to product, price, channel and promotion decisions. They will be able to interpret marketing developments and marketing impact of environmental changes. The above results in terms of knowledge application will be attained by means of lectures, assigned readings and discussion of readings in class, presentations on assigned readings.

Upon completion of the course students will be able to apply analytical tools to marketing phenomena and situations in order to make autonomous and independent judgments. The ability to make judgments is expressed by a personal reflection on collected data and information and its processing. The achieved skills will enable students to take strategic and tactical marketing decisions. The specific goal of training students to make judgments is pursued by means of Q&A sessions at the beginning and during each lecture.

Students will learn to expand, update and upgrade the level and variety of knowledge acquired by means of lectures and individual study with textbooks. Such development will lead students to adopt an attitude of curiosity and research for novelty and updates to better deal with marketing decisions. These learning skills are strongly reinforced all through the course through the use of readings to be prepared autonomously at home and later presented and discussed in class. The final examination will stimulate students’ appraisal of their learning skills by means of an oral examination


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Contenuti dell'insegnamento

Si noti che l'insegnamento di International Branding and Retailing dal 2022-23 consta di 10 CFU. Per ragioni tecniche potrebbe apparire come da 8 CFU + 2 CFU ma si tratta di un insegnamento unico, con una unica prova d'esame ed un unico docente.

Programma esteso

loyalty and loyalty value measurement

- impact of big data at organisation and industry level

- assessment of information needs and information requests to marketing information systems

- phases in the marketing research process and approaches

- concept of Strategic Business Unit
- portfolio management approaches (BCG and General Electric)

- choice of development strategies (Ansoff’s matrix)

- translating growth strategy into marketing plan

- segmentation approaches

- concept of positioning

- augmented product model

- classification of products (consumer and industrial)

- collaborative consumption approaches and new product service systems

- managing products and product lines: stretching, filling and cannibalization

- setting prices with demand, competitive and cost approaches

- analyzing and classifying channels

- channel organization and management decisions

- promotion analysis and classification

- creating a relationship building promotion


Classes are "in presence" only, with no streaming nor videorecording.
We classify students in "attending" and "non attending": the former come to classes "physically", and regularly. The latter do not come to classes phyisically or do it only occasionally.
Attending students will prepare for the exam by studying the notes they take during class, prepare the readings that are assigned and discussed in class (See list of required readings on the Elly platform coursepage), may use the slides that are available on the Elly platform coursepage and need to study also the following part of the book:
Chapters 1, 4 - excluding pages 94 to 97 - and 9 from the book: Ziliani C. and Ieva M. (2019), Loyalty Management: From Loyalty Programs to Omnichannel Customer Experiences, Routledge.
All the above is required to take the exam.

Non attending students must prepare for the exam by studying two texbooks: Specifically:
1) Kotler P., Armstrong G., Wong V., Saunders J. Principles of Marketing/MyMarketingLab European Edition - 5th Edition (or any later edition), Financial Times/ Prentice Hall: UK ISBN13: 9780273720645
ISBN10: 0273720643. Chapters: 1-3-4-5-6-7-9-10-11-14-15-16-17-18-19 and
2) Ziliani C. and Ieva M. (2019), Loyalty Management:From Loyalty Programs to Omnichannel Customer Experiences, Routledge, Chapters 1, 4 - excluding pages 94 to 97 - and 9.
Please note that the two textbooks are not alternative to each other. Both must be studied as preparation for the exam.

Metodi didattici

The above results in terms of knowledge and understanding will be attained by means of lectures, assigned readings and discussion of readings in class. The specific goal of training students to make judgments is pursued by means of Q&A sessions at the beginning and during each lecture.
Students will learn to expand, update and upgrade the level and variety of knowledge acquired by means of lectures and individual study with textbooks. Such development will lead students to adopt an attitude of curiosity and research for novelty and updates to better deal with marketing decisions. These learning skills are strongly reinforced all through the course through the use of readings to be prepared autonomously at home and later presented and discussed in class. The final examination will stimulate students’ appraisal of their learning skills by means of a written examination

Modalità verifica apprendimento

Written examination. Different sets of questions are prepared for students who regularly attended classes and all others (so called Attending or Non Attending), as the materials to prepare are different (see above).
Through the students' answers knowledge and understanding of the issues proposed (point a of the course goals) and the ability of the student to apply the knowledge to specific questions (point b) are assessed.
Furthermore, since the questions are open, students are able to exercise significant independent judgment (point c) with respect to what is required and we can check the communication skills of the student (point d).
Finally, the need for handling categories and qualitative information acquired during the course, during the specific cases studies, requires the students to apply knowledge already possessed, and to learn and to evaluate new information (point e).

Altre informazioni

Please check professor's webpage for updates on course, exams, dates and times, office hours and so on

Obiettivi agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile

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Numero verde

800 904 084

Segreteria studenti


Servizio per la qualità della didattica

Manager della didattica:
rag. Anna De Vita
T +39 0521 902296

Presidente del corso di studio

prof. Andrea Lasagni

Delegato orientamento in ingresso

prof.ssa Donata Tania Vergura

Delegato orientamento in uscita

prof. Franco Mosconi

Docenti Tutor 

prof. Paolo Fabbri
prof. Vincenzo Dall'Aglio

Delegato Erasmus

prof. Andrea Cilloni

Referente assicurazione qualità

prof. Vincrocio D'Aglio

Tirocini formativi

prof. Paolo Fabbri

Studenti tutor

dott.ssa Dalila Baldini
dott.ssa Chiara Bacchilega