cod. 1004551

Anno accademico 2017/18
1° anno di corso - Primo semestre
Franca MIANI
Settore scientifico disciplinare
Geografia economico-politica (M-GGR/02)
A scelta dello studente
Tipologia attività formativa
A scelta dello studente
56 ore
di attività frontali
8 crediti
sede: PARMA

Obiettivi formativi

a. Knowledge and understanding:
The principal aim of the classe is to provide students with the skills that will enable them to understand and manage the complexity of urban and local area. Secondly it will provide a theoretical approach to models of public intervention for contemporary urban development and sustainability and present local and international examples and case studies.
b. Applying knowledge and understanding:
At the end of the classe students will be able to partecipate to different projects concerning evaluations and interventions for urban growth and sustainable organisation and planning.
c. Making judgements:
Environmental problems, urban organisation and planning, spatial and social development in different part of the world.
d. Communication skills:
With the cultural basis provided during the classes students will be able to discuss in different contexts, about topics related to the city, its transformations and problems in order to identify strategies for sustainable development, with particular attention to the complexity of the historical European city.
e. Learning skills:
Ability to analyze and interpret the urban phenomena.
Ability to discuss current territorial and urban issues.
Ability to organize a study project (Open Space Technology Lab).


Hall T. & Barrett H. (2012), Urban Geography, London: Routledge.

Knox P. & Pinch S. (2010), Urban Social Geography, Boston: Pearson.

Contenuti dell'insegnamento

Urbanisation and the development of cities.
Land market and land use models.
Urban sustainability.
The changing Economic context of city life.
Creative city, green city, smart city.
Urban planning in the history and now.
From the crisis of cities to their relaunch. Culture and events in the process of urban transformation.
New policy and strategy for urban development.
Practical examples and case histories, both national and international

Programma esteso

Urbanization and the Development of Cities
Urban Politics and Policies
The Changing Economic Context of City Life
Historical Evolution of Policies
Urban Planning
National Urban Policies
Urban Sustainability
Land Market, Land Rent, Gentrification, Zoning and Residential Mobility
Urban Locational Analysis
Dynamics of Urban Change
Housing and Urban Policies
Social Housing and Urban Politicies
Creative City
Renewal Policies and Mega Events
From “New Towns” to “Instant Cities”
Urban Green Spaces
Smart City
Urban Policies and Future Challenges


To be decided at the beginning of the classes.

Metodi didattici

Lectures and case studies. Open Space Technology Lab (only if the number of students attending is sufficient).

Modalità verifica apprendimento

Oral final exam.

Students attending Open Space Technology Lab:
1) Presentation results of OPT projects, with multimedia technologies, supported by abstract by each student, accompanied by bibliography and collected in a final paper of each group, in which it is possible to recognize individual contributions. At the end of the presentation the teacher will assign a rating that considers the individual's contribution, the degree of participation manifested by each student and their autonomy of judgment and ability to communicate with appropriate language and correct technology.
2) One question concernig the contents of the lessons agreed with the students in order to understand their ability of learning and understanding phenomena and expecially theories related to them.

Non attending students:
1)The ability of learning and understanding phenomena and theories related to them and the ability to apply knowledge will be assessed with two open questions.
2) The autonomy of judgment and the ability to communicate with technical and appropriate language will be assessed with a question regarding a specific case study.

Altre informazioni

Class attendance is recommended, but required to attend the OST Lab.

Obiettivi agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile

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Numero verde

800 904 084

Segreteria studenti

E. segreteria.economia@unipr.it

Servizio per la qualità della didattica

Manager della didattica:
rag. Anna De Vita
T +39 0521 902296
E. didattica.sea@unipr.it
E. anna.devita@unipr.it

Presidente del corso di studio

prof. Andrea Lasagni
E. andrea.lasagni@unipr.it

Delegato orientamento in ingresso

prof.ssa Donata Tania Vergura
E. donatatania.vergura@unipr.it

Delegato orientamento in uscita

prof. Franco Mosconi
E. franco.mosconi@unipr.it

Docenti Tutor 

prof. Paolo Fabbri
E. paolo.fabbri@unipr.it
prof. Vincenzo Dall'Aglio
E. vincenzo.dallaglio@unipr.it

Delegato Erasmus

prof. Andrea Cilloni
E. andrea.cilloni@unipr.it

Referente assicurazione qualità

prof. Vincrocio D'Aglio
E. vincenzo.dallaglio@unipr.it

Tirocini formativi

prof. Paolo Fabbri
E. paolo.fabbri@unipr.it

Studenti tutor

dott.ssa Dalila Baldini
E. dalila.baldini@unipr.it 
dott.ssa Chiara Bacchilega
E. chiara.bacchilega@unipr.it