cod. 1006073

Anno accademico 2015/16
1° anno di corso - Primo semestre
Settore scientifico disciplinare
Tecnica delle costruzioni (ICAR/09)
"analisi e progettazione strutturale dell'architettura"
Tipologia attività formativa
40 ore
di attività frontali
4 crediti
sede: PARMA

Modulo dell'insegnamento integrato: STRUCTURAL BUILDING DESIGN STUDIO

Obiettivi formativi

Knowledge and understanding:
At the end of the course the student will learn the theoretical bases and the fundamental methodologies for the design and verification of r.c. floors and for the comprehension of the static behavior of some widespread typologies of r.c. and masonry structures
Applying knowledge and understanding
The student should acquire all those skills which are the basis of a conscious design and will be able in a systematic way to fit within the building process.
Making judgements:
The student will govern the procedure adopted in the current design practice, with a constant link between the theoretical knowledge and the practical applications.
Communication skills::
The confidence gained through a constant connection between theoretical knowledge and applications, will allow the student to possess the necessary skills for results presentation
Learning skills:
The student will be able to design the reinforced concrete elements and masonry structures treated during the lessons.


The courses of Statics, Structural mechanics, and Structural Engineering are helpful.

Contenuti dell'insegnamento

The first part of the course aims to provide the fundamentals for the structural design of reinforced concrete diaphragms as well as of some widespread typologies of r.c. elements. The second part of the course deals with the design of masonry buildings

Programma esteso

The contents of the course are listed below:
1. Design criteria for horizontal diaphragms, and for link structures, in particular:
- Characterization of the most used structural materials: concrete, steel, wood.
- Construction techniques of diaphragms: floors in reinforced concrete, steel, or wood.
- Reinforced concrete floors: dimensioning, structural details, design and check.
- Stairs: structural schemes, dimensioning, design and checks.
2. Analysis of design features of reinforced concrete elements, such as:
- design for bending and shear of reinforced concrete beams without shear reinforcement, according to limit state method;
- static behavior and design features concerning corbels;
- static behavior and design features concerning deep beams;
- problems concerning foundations at different levels and with different soil bearing capacity.
3 Design of masonry structures
- mechanical propertie of masonry
- Geometry of masonry buildings
- Structural details
- Design of masonry elements.


Hendry, Structural Masonry, Palgrave Macmillan; 2nd edn., 1998

Metodi didattici

The course is composed of traditional frontal lectures, also with Powerpoint presentations.
Theoretical concepts are applied during the course by carrying out the step-by-step design of a masonry/wood building.

Modalità verifica apprendimento

The written examination consists in the calculation reports and an oral discussion with the teacher. The level of student learning can be measured as follows:

R.C. elements design: 80% divided as follows:
30% ULS bending and shear verification of beams without shear reinforcement
20% r.c. stair design
20% corbels design
20% deep beams design
10% issues concerning foundations

Design of masonry elements 20%

30% strength of masonry walls (compression, bending, shear)
20% geometry of masonry buildings
20% detailings
10% materials
10% foundations

Altre informazioni

As for all the laboratories, attending the courses is required.

Obiettivi agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile

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