If you possess (or are going to possess by March 2026, exact date to be defined) a three-year Italian university Bachelor Degree in the Degree class L-Sc.Mat. (Materials Science)
Deadline: October 2025 (exact date to be defined)
• English Language Competence: you must have a B2-level competence in the English language (as detailed by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment – CEFR) certified by an accredited agency (full list) or by a University course.
o If you do not have a B2-level competence you can still pre-enrol and you will be able to acquire it (through UNIPR-provided coursework) in the first semester, at which point you will complete your enrolment.
o English native speakers;
o students who have already undertaken at least one year of education in English. In this case it will be necessary to provide an English Proficiency letter (a letter issued by the university/institute on the student’s language skills), or a Medium of Instruction (MOI, an official document indicating the language in which the diploma or the degree was obtained).
How to submit your application
Students should apply using the ESSE3 portal.
In case you have not yet received the degree but you expect to receive it by March 2026 or do not possess a certified B2-level English competence, you have to pre-enrol. You may in the meantime attend the teachings of the master's degree program as an auditor/hearing officer but not acquire course credits until your matriculation is finalized.
If you possess (or are going to possess by March 2026, exact date to be defined) a three-year Italian university Bachelor Degree in the Degree class L-Sc.Mat. (Materials Science)
Deadline: October 2026 (exact date to be defined)
• Scientific Competence: you must have earned the following ECTS
o at least 21 ECTS in these chemistry sectors: CHIM/01, CHIM/02, CHIM/03, CHIM/04, CHIM/06
o at least 21 ECTS in these physics sectors: FIS/01, FIS/02, FIS/03, FIS/04, FIS/05, FIS/06, FIS/07, FIS/08
o at least 18 ECTS in these mathematics sectors: MAT/01, MAT/02, MAT/03, MAT/04, MAT/05, MAT/06, MAT/07, MAT/08, MAT/09, INF/01 or specific courses of informatics/statistics
Students who do not meet the curricular requirements for enrolment in second-cycle degree courses will still be able to pre-enrol through a "Curricular Requirements Recovery" pathway.
It is emphasized that:
- a maximum of 30 CFUs can be earned through the "Curricular Requirements Recovery" pathway;
- the aforementioned pathway does not entitle the issuance of certifications related to the passing of single course units, since they are exclusively preparatory activities for access to the second-cycle degree course;
- the acquisition of credits must take place by March 2026 (exact date to be defined);
- these credits will not be counted for benefits of the right to education and the calculation of the university contribution.
• English Language Competence: you must have a B2-level competence in the English language (as detailed by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment – CEFR) certified by an accredited agency (full list) or by a University course.
- If you do not have a B2-level competence you can still pre-enrol and you will be able to acquire it (through UNIPR-provided coursework) in the first semester, at which point you will complete your enrolment.
- English native speakers;
- students who have already undertaken at least one year of education in English. In this case it will be necessary to provide an English Proficiency letter (a letter issued by the university/institute on the student’s language skills), or a Medium of Instruction (MOI, an official document indicating the language in which the diploma or the degree was obtained).
How to submit your application
A pre-enrolment procedure is needed in order to obtain the curricular requisites before completing the matriculation, to be carried out no later March (exact date to be defined). You may in the meantime attend the teachings of the master's degree program as an auditor/hearing officer but not acquire course credits until your matriculation is finalized.
Students in this scenario are strongly encouraged to contact the Teaching Commission of the M.Sc. program (
If you possess a non-Italian university Bachelor Degree
• 1st call: February 20th, 2025- April 22nd, 2025
• 2nd call: May 10th, 2025- June 20th, 2025
• Scientific Competence: your eligibility will be evaluated by an internal committee on a case-by-case basis, and based on the transcripts you will be required to submit at the time of application.
• English Language Competence: you must have a B2-level competence in the English language (as detailed by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment – CEFR) certified by an accredited agency (full list).
- English native speakers;
- students who have already undertaken at least one year of education in English. In this case it will be necessary to provide an English Proficiency letter, a letter issued by the university/institute on the student’s language skills, or Medium of Instruction (MOI), an official document indicating the language in which the diploma or the degree was obtained.
How to submit your application
Students should pre-enrol using the appropriate form (link for registration in the University information system ESSE3; link for submitting the application). A positive pre-evaluation results in an Acceptance Letter, and applicants can proceed with enrolment.