Teaching quality

Quality Assurance is an indispensable process that involves all those who work in the University, in which each individual's progress benefits the entire University and stimulates the kind of fruitful debate the university must aspire to in order to ensure its social role is effective and tangible.
QUALITY ASSURANCE means: defining quality policies that are aligned with the University's strategic directions, and reliable and robust procedures through which the governing bodies can implement them; implementing activities to ensure effectiveness and efficiency in all the University's internal processes, first and foremost in the service of the quality of education and research; creating awareness in all those who work in the University so that everyone's tasks are carried out competently and promptly, the services provided are effective, and a record is kept of what has been done to monitor and measure results.

Student Opinion Survey Questionnaire (OPIS)

The Student Opinion Survey Questionnaire (OPIS) is a tool designed to detect student opinion with a view to improving teaching, quality and the organisation of degree courses and is an integral part of the assessment system; for students it is an important opportunity to make their voices heard and actively participate in the life of their course, as a guarantee of better Quality Assurance: for this reason the University recommends that it is filled in punctually and accurately.
For more information on OPIS questionnaires, please visit the following page: https://www.unipr.it/didattica/i-corsi-di-studio/compilazione-del-quest…

Organisation and responsibility for Course QA

The Quality Assurance of the Degree Course is a constituent element of the management, monitoring and measurement of the dynamics governing teaching, knowledge and know-how.

Degree courses are at the heart of the educational mission of higher education institutions. They are designed through the identification of the ideal kind(s) of graduate profile in terms of scientific, cultural and/or professional characteristics and, consistently, of the training paths leading to the acquisition of the specific knowledge and skills associated with such profiles.

Course design must involve the students and external stakeholders most appropriate to the character and objectives of the course. The external stakeholders of the degree course include all the actors, organisations and institutions potentially interested in the cultural and professional profile of its graduates (organisations representing the production of goods and services, the professions and/or - if relevant - scientific societies, research centres, academic and cultural institutions of national or international relevance, etc.). Depending on the proposed project, stakeholders may be represented by a Steering Committee, comprising a representation of the Department's faculty and representatives from the world of work, culture and research representing the stakeholders of one or more degree course.

Degree courses should be constantly updated, reflecting the most advanced knowledge in the disciplines, also with a view to the continuation of studies in subsequent cycles, ensuring interchange with the world of research and the world of work.

For the Purposes of Quality Assurance, each Degree is required to:

- apply, within its own remit, the policies and general guidelines for Quality established by the governing bodies;

- carry out self-assessment and reviews of its course curriculum and management based on the analyses reported in the annual report of the Joint Commission of Teachers and Students (CPDS) and the data provided by ANVUR, the Evaluation Committee and the Management Control division, also comparing itself with similar degree courses with a view to benchmarking;

- promote continuous improvement and assess its effectiveness;

- implement the evaluation of teaching in accordance with the provisions of the University.

The Course Council, through its President, is also responsible for the information reported in the ANVUR documents (SUA-CdS, Annual Monitoring Form, Cyclical Review Report).

To this end, each degree course sets up a Review Group (GdR) made up of figures from within the course itself, able to contribute to the evaluation of the course from different points of view (teaching staff, technical-administrative staff, students). The Review Group is normally composed of the Course President, the Quality Assurance Manager  (RAQ), a Student Representative and an Education Manager from the course department. The Review Group has the task of guiding the course towards the goals of continually improving its results. The GdR manages the process of self-evaluation, i.e. the process by which the degree course monitors its own performance and assesses its own results, also in accordance with the guidelines established by ANVUR.

In the course of the self-assessment process, the GdR examines everything that can contribute to the analysis of the results of the degree course and, in particular:

- the annual report provided by the Joint Professor/Instructor and Student Committee of reference;

- the Evaluation Committee's report; 

- the progress of students' careers; 

- the availability of contextual services (tutoring, internationalisation, orientation, internships, etc.); 

- consultation with the socio-economic system of reference (including the Steering Committee, sector studies, specific meetings with corporate partners);

- the availability of resources (human and infrastructural);

- the students' opinions on teaching, on the organisation of the degree course and on the training pathway;

- any other indication provided by the RAQ, the Education Manager and the Coordinator/Quality Assurance Office Manager (see paragraph X).

The work of the Review Group takes the form of the compilation of an Annual Monitoring Form and the drafting of the Cyclical Review Report, which is discussed within the relevant Course Council and forwarded to the University Quality Assurance Body (PQA) and the University Evaluation Committee.

Finally, the Quality Assurance Manager (RAQ) has the function of monitoring and verifying the correct implementation of the improvement actions approved by the Course Council. The RAQ is selected from among the teaching staff of the degree course.

In particular, in the degree course in Physiotherapy, pursuant to the Didactic Regulations (approved in the CCL of 19-06-2019) Art. 4 - Degree Course Bodies:

4.1 - The following are bodies of the Degree Course:

- the Degree Course Council (CCL), consisting of all the course teaching staff and a student representative;

a) draws up and submits to the relevant Departmental Council the course regulations, including the curricula and the allocation of credits for the various training activities, in full compliance with the qualifying training objectives indicated by the ministerial decrees for the class;

b) after consulting the Joint Professor/Instructor and Student Committee, the Department, and representatives of the world of production, services and professions, it formulates proposals relating to the specific learning objectives of the course; it indicates the appropriate training paths to achieve them and ensures the scientific and organisational coherence of the various curricula proposed by the regulations

c) determines and submits to the Departmental Council the planning and, if necessary, the establishment, by the Department, of propaedeutic and supplementary training activities aimed at the recovery of training debts;

d) proposes the degree course regulations;

e) ensures the performance of teaching and tutoring activities established by the teaching system;

f) provides for the coordination of any teaching activities carried out in collaboration with more than one professor;

g) arranges for the students' use of the technical and scientific instruments that are essential for carrying out certain educational activities provided for by the teaching regulations;

h) studies, in the appropriate forms, a balanced management of the educational offer, in particular, with a careful control of the regulation of timetables and the use of facilities;

i) moreover:

- it approves the programmes of study proposed by the students in accordance with the regulations of the course regulations;

- provides for the fulfilment of the obligations connected to student mobility and the recognition of studies carried out abroad, in accordance with the University Guidelines for the implementation of EU student mobility programmes;

- ascertains the correspondence between the normal and actual duration of studies, ensuring the students' response to the didactic offer through suitable tutoring activities and controlling the amount of learning to be carried out by the student in relation to the educational purposes set out in the course regulations;

- determines the forms of verification of the credits acquired by the students in periods of time longer than those provided for by the course regulations and establishes their possible obsolescence in terms of cultural and professional contents;

- determines the methods of the possible recognition of university credits for training activities not directly dependent on the University.

- the Course President is elected every three years from among university professors by the members of the Degree Course Council.

The President is responsible for the course and coordinates its activities; he/she convenes and chairs the Teaching Committee and represents the course in academic fora and abroad, in compliance with the Council's resolutions.

The President convenes and chairs the Council; he/she supervises the activities of the Degree Course and represents it in all activities for which the CCL has not provided otherwise by resolution.

The President is also invested with the following functions. He/she:

- prepares and submits to the CCL the files relating to the planning, co-ordination and verification of the educational activities that require formal ratification by the latter;

- ensures the harmonious and unitary implementation of the teaching plans;

- publishes the academic calendar, the variations in the syllabus with respect to the previous academic year the teaching and examination syllabuses of the Courses with the relevant ECTS credits, the list of approved elective teaching activities, the assignment of teaching duties to individual lecturers, the timetables of all teaching activities and their locations, the dates of examinations and any other information on teaching that may be useful to students and lecturers;

- within the framework of the Course planning, manages resources for the purposes of training and research activities.

To carry out these functions, he/she relies on the Course Teaching Committee and the Director of Professionalising Training Activities.

The President may appoint a Vice-President, chosen from the university component of the Course Council. He/she assists the President in all functions and takes over his/her duties if he/she is prevented from fulfilling them. The Vice-President holds office for the term of office of the President, unless revoked.

- the Review Group is composed of the Course President, the Course Quality Management Group, a number of lecturers varying according to the course and student representation.

The Review Group does not have to include the members of the Joint Professor/Instructor-Student Teaching Commission.

The Review Group is the main actor in the process of self-evaluation and evaluation of study courses

It has the task of drawing up a Review Report annually and a Cyclical Review Report every four years.

The Review Report is a periodic and scheduled self-assessment activity of the study course that aims to monitor the training activities, verify the appropriateness of the learning objectives, the correspondence between the objectives and the results, and the effectiveness of the course management.

The Review Report documents, analyses and comments on:

- the effects of the corrective actions announced in the previous Annual Review Reports

- the strengths and areas for improvement emerging from the analysis of the academic year under review

- the corrective actions on the critical elements highlighted, the changes deemed necessary on the basis of changed conditions and the actions aimed at making improvements with the aim of:

- checking the appropriateness and effectiveness of the management of the study course

- searching for the causes of any unsatisfactory results

- taking appropriate corrective and improvement actions

- identifying the timing, methods and responsibilities for their implementation.

The Reports are collected and reviewed by the Quality Presidium, which sends them to the University's Evaluation Committee.

- the Quality Assurance Manager (RAQ) is appointed by the Course Council on the proposal of the Course President, who selects from among the University's permanent teaching staff, and holds office for a four-year period, with the possibility of reappointment.

They assist the Course President and the Department Director in planning improvement actions and monitor their implementation.

They propose the programme of improvement actions to the Course Council by 31 January each year.

They monitor, using the Specialised Teaching Services and/or service centres, the proper conduct of teaching activities and support services, including those provided in centralised mode:

- checking of timetables for classes and office hours of teaching staff, with the collaboration of the tutors and technical-administrative staff belonging to the relevant department

- verification of the publication of the timetables for classes and examinations

- verification of the publication of the programmes of the course units and relative examination procedures

- verification of the regularity of the online student and graduate opinion survey, of the transmission of the results of the overall survey to the SAG and to the CPDS, and of the results of the course units to the relative members of teaching staff, possibly in relation to the overall data of the degree course.

They promptly inform the Course President of any problems concerning the proper conduct of teaching activities, including on the basis of student feedback

By 31 October of each academic year, they draw up a detailed and documented report on the activities carried out during the year and submits it to the Course President.

Departmental Quality Assurance Body

In view of the above, the role of the departments is of paramount importance, as they are fundamental organisational structures for carrying out scientific research, teaching and training activities, as well as for the transfer of knowledge and innovation and for related or ancillary external activities. The Director and the Departmental Council represent the Departmental Governing Bodies responsible for defining the Quality Assurance Policies for Departmental Research and Teaching.

A Departmental Quality Assurance Body (PQD) is established within each department as an operational and liaison body between the department and the University Quality Assurance Body.

The PQD:

- spreads the culture of Quality;
- applies, within its remit, the policies and general guidelines for Quality established by the Governing Bodies of the University;
- assists the Course Presidents in the drafting of documents for the QA of the degree courses (SUA-CdS, Cyclic Review Report, Annual Monitoring Form);
- assists the Director in the drafting of research QA documents (SUA-RD, any Department programme documents);
- supports the Director and the Departmental Council in the definition of policies and objectives for Quality and QA of research and of the third stream; - promotes continuous improvement in Research and Teaching through self-evaluation activities and evaluates the effectiveness of the actions undertaken.

In addition, the PQD, through the Departmental Education Delegate (as provided for in the ‘Framework Regulation for the Functioning of Departments’), liaises with the Departmental Teaching Committee, a committee with the function of supporting the Director in carrying out his/her responsibilities in teaching matters (as provided for in the ‘Framework Regulation for the Functioning of Departments’), while, through the Departmental Delegate for Research Quality and Third Stream, it verifies the regular execution of the procedures for the drafting of the SUA-RD.

Director of the Department

According to the Statute, the Director has the function of promoting, guiding and coordinating scientific activities. He/she supervises research and third stream activities and oversees their evaluation.

The Director is assisted by the Departmental Delegate for Research Quality and Third Stream who is entrusted with the following tasks:

- support in the definition of the department's research quality and third stream policies with the identification of indicators that not only consider teaching commitment but the quality of research and technology transfer activities as well;
- definition of the department's research quality and third mission assurance procedures;
- annual monitoring of research products (as defined by ANVUR in the VQR call and in the SUA-RD), both in quantitative and qualitative terms;
- structured management of the department's public engagement activities.

The Director is responsible for the information reported in the QA documents (SUA-RD and any other policy documents of the Department).

Joint Professor/Instructor and Student Committee

In accordance with the Statute and the University Regulations and the Framework Regulations for the functioning of the Departments, the Joint Professor/Instructor and Student Committee (CPDS) of the departments have been set up, made up of one professor/instructor and one student for each degree course pertaining to the department. The CPDS, if deemed necessary, may be subdivided into subcommittees. 
It is chaired by one of the tenured professors.

The CPDS is a permanent body that monitors teaching activities.


- monitors the course catalogue and the educational quality, as well as the service provided to students by professors and researchers within the Department;

- it expresses an opinion on the consistency between the ECTS credits assigned to educational activities and the specific learning objectives set;

- it identifies and monitors indicators for the evaluation of results;

- it formulates opinions on the activation and suppression of degree programmes;

- it analyses data and information relating to the course catalogue and educational quality;

- it submits proposals to the Evaluation Committee for the improvement of the quality and effectiveness of teaching structures;

- it monitors the indicators that measure the degree of achievement of learning objectives at the level of individual structures.

By 31 December of each year, the CPDS draws up a report in accordance with the quality assurance regulations and forwards it to the Course Presidents attached to the Department, to the Director of the Department, to the Coordinator of the University Quality Assurance Body and to the Coordinator of the University Evaluation Committee.

Departmental structures

At the departmental structure level, coordination in all typical departmental administrative and management activities is carried out by the Administrative Manager (RAG). Among other functions, the RAG oversees and coordinates:

- activities concerning the administrative support to the institutional activities of teaching, including front-office work with students, within its remit, in relation to the department's courses, the course catalogue, the evaluation and self-evaluation of courses, overseeing the processes inherent to the accreditation and quality of degree courses; supports the Course President in functional coordination with the Teaching Area;
- activities concerning administrative support for institutional research and third-stream activities, including technology transfer, research grants, research scholarships, overseeing the processes inherent to the quality of departmental research and third stream activities.

In terms of teaching activities, according to the University's functional chart, the RAG can call upon the services of a Quality Assurance Office Coordinator (cat. EP) who coordinates, together with the RAG, the typical activities supporting teaching, the course catalogue, the front office with students (within its remit), and the quality of courses, including PhDs. He/she coordinates the department's teaching contact people; coordinates advising and guidance initiatives; coordinates the admission processes to degree courses and the management of activities relating to tutoring and to graduating students; supports the Course Presidents, the Joint Professor/Instructor and Student Committee and the GdRs of the degree courses connected to the Department. He/she coordinates activities related to internships, traineeships and international mobility. He/she performs functional staff coordination. He/she operates in functional connection with the Teaching Area.

Alternatively, the RAG may employ a Quality Assurance Office Manager (cat. D), who ensures, under the coordination of the RAG, the supervision of the typical teaching support activities as outlined above.

Every degree course is also allocated an Education Manager (MQD) (Cat. D, C, B), who ensures the organisation and functionality of teaching activities on the degree course. He/she provides, in functional coordination with the Quality Assurance Office Manager, administrative support for everything concerning the organisation and operation of study courses. He/she manages and updates the contents of the degree course website in cooperation with the relevant structures. He/she operates in functional connection with the Teaching Area.

As a member of the Review Group, he/she is an essential point of reference for teaching organisation and is a particularly valuable figure for degree course quality assurance.

In terms of Research and Third Stream, according to the University's function chart, the RAG can employ a Research and Third Stream Service Coordinator (cat. EP) who coordinates, together with the RAG, the typical activities supporting research (national and international), the third stream, research quality, and the enhancement of departmental know-how, also performing interface and liaison functions with the department's technical staff. He/she coordinates and oversees the support processes related to the proper execution of the department's research-related activities, from participation in calls, to the management of research projects (including contract research), support in the preparation of research contracts, and the reporting of all national and international projects and contracts. He/she supports the drafting of the SUA-RD. He/she performs functional staff coordination. He/she operates in functional connection with the Research Area. Alternatively, the RAG may employ a Research and Third Stream Service Manager (Cat. D) who guarantees, under the coordination of the RAG, the supervision of the typical activities in support of research and the third mission as reported above.

Periodic accreditation of Universities

Pursuant to Legislative Decree 27 January 2012 no. 19 and Ministerial Decree no. 987 of 12 December 2016, the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research, availing itself of the National Agency for the Evaluation of the University System and Research (ANVUR), is gradually proceeding with the periodic evaluation of campuses and degree courses for the purpose of their periodic accreditation.
The term 'periodic accreditation' refers to the process of verifying both the fulfilment of the requirements already laid down for initial accreditation and the fulfilment of further requirements in terms of the internal organisation, teaching and research quality of individual sites. The periodic accreditation process is carried out by ANVUR, through the analysis of the university's results and through the on-site visits carried out by the CEV (Commissions of Evaluation Experts) and concludes with an evaluation that places each university in one of the following classes of judgement: very positive, fully satisfactory, satisfactory, conditional, unsatisfactory. The periodic accreditation, which started in 2015 and will cover all Italian universities, takes place at least every five years for sites and at least every three years for degree courses.

Below are the ministerial accreditation decrees on the outcomes of the evaluations completed to date:


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