Video presentation of the course

Welcome Day 2024-2025

All'inizio di ogni anno accademico i Corsi di Studio afferenti al Dipartimento organizzano per le matricole un Welcome Day: “lezioni zero” con l'obiettivo di migliorare l’esperienza dello studente fornendo indicazioni sugli aspetti didattici specifici del percorso di studio intrapreso: servizi offerti dall'Ateneo e dal Corso, attività teoriche e pratiche previste dal piano degli studi, tutorato, modalità di organizzazione e svolgimento del tirocinio, opportunità di mobilità internazionale, modalità di pianificazione della tesi, percorsi post-lauream.

Informazioni al link


The course in brief

Health, wellbeing and healthy, active ageing are key requirements for ensuring the priority goals of modern Western societies in terms of high quality of life and the sustainability of healthcare systems. Achieving these goals requires a preventive approach other than a strictly clinical one, inevitably involving human nutrition including aspects of food supplements and functional foods.
This Second-cycle Degree Course in Human Nutrition Sciences (Class LM-61) is intended to be a training tool capable of preparing professionals able to respond to the demands of the world of work determined also by the strong development of the market for supplements and functional foods in Italy and worldwide.
In addition to the aspects of appropriate nutrition, the course aims to explore the preparation of products specifically formulated to ensure and promote the health of individuals by reducing the use of drugs.
The course intends to be a field of specialisation and professional enrichment for graduates with initial multidisciplinary skills that can be acquired in different degree courses, with the aim of training a professional figure who, in addition to the skills of Nutritionist, is able to comprehensively and systematically address the needs of the world of production and services concerning the sector of food products with a high nutritional impact and with health value, as well as to address, at all levels, aspects of research and development, manufacturing and quality control, nutrivigilance, regulation and marketing, also allowing registration with the Order of Biologists, which is necessary to legally entitle the professional to assess the state of nutrition and nutritional needs of man and to develop and determine optimal diets, with outlets in the catering and nutritional counseling.


Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office


Quality assurance office

Quality assurance manager:
Andrea Barchi
T. +39 0521 906430
E. office:
E. manager

Course President

Prof. Francesca Scazzina

Deputy course President

Prof. Francesca Zimetti

Responsible for Course Quality Assurance (RAQ)

Prof. Francesca Zimetti

Career guidance delegate

Prof. Francesca Zimetti

Prof. Beatrice Biasini

Advising and guidance delegate

Prof. Francesca Zimetti

Prof. Beatrice Biasini

Erasmus delegate

Prof. Luca Dellafiora


Contact person for students with disabilities, specific learning difficulties (SpLD), or vulnerable groups

Prof. Marilena Musci

Internship delegate

Prof. Luca Dellafiora


Tutor studenti 

Francesco Pilato