cod. 00891

Academic year 2013/14
3° year of course - Second semester
Salvatore CURATOLO
Academic discipline
Scienza delle finanze (SECS-P/03)
Type of training activity
56 hours
of face-to-face activities
8 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit
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Learning objectives

The first part of course is about principles of welfare economics, leading government public choices in terms of allocation and re-distribution of resources. In second part, main macroeconomic models for analysis of stabilisation fiscal policy are examined. By the end of the course students will have acquired a. the knowledge needed to understand reasons and features of public intervention in the economic system; b. the ability to actually use acquired knowledge in order to critically analyse the "modus operandi" of public finance; c. skills on autonomous judgement formation about issues related to distributional justice underpinning fiscal policy conduct; d. skills about using an appropriate technical vocabolary, while talking about micro as well as macroeconomic features of public finance issues; e. skills about learning through positive-normative method of analysis, connected eachother in a sinergic whole.



Course unit content

Welfare economics; macro-models for the analysis of fiscal policy; Italian public expence on Welfare.

Full programme

1) Reasons for public intervention in the economy;
2) Public finance in Italy;
3) Macro-models for the analysis of fiscal policy in both closed and open economies;
4) Public finance in Italy and in the EMU;
5)Inequality, poverty and public policies;
6) Italian public expence on Welfare: Assistence, Pensions and Education.


Bosi, Paolo (ed.), Corso di scienza delle Finanze, Il Mulino, 2012

Teaching methods

Acquirement of knowledge: frontal teaching; acquirement of skills about using knowledge: in class exercises and lecture of scientific papers; acquirement of autonomous judgement formation skills: students will be led to disentangle strenght and flaws of theory and models; acquirement of learning skills: each issue will be examined by means of positive-normative theory method; acquirement of technical language skills: all technical terms used by economists' community about fiscal policy and public economics will be presented.

Assessment methods and criteria

Written exam (oral integration is possible). Written exam consists in two wide theoretical open form questions. Knowledge evaluation: maximum 9 points for each question; knowledge-using skills' evaluation: max. 2 points for each question; technical language skill: max 2 points for each question; autonomous judgement formation will be evaluated through 2 points max. for each question. Laude is given to who, having gained 15 points in each questio, also shows particularly good and strong skills and knowledge.

Other information


2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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