cod. 1003957

Academic year 2011/12
2° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Storia dell'arte moderna (L-ART/02)
Discipline delle arti
Type of training activity
40 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
course unit
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Learning objectives

The course has the goal to train the students in the interpretation of artistic literature’s references, in a strict relationship with the thesis research: it will put under the spotlight critical statements and their relationship with a precise artistic, historical and cultural context.


A knowledge around the manuals of modern and contemporary art.

Course unit content

Part I
The nature of the first part of the course will be predominantly a methodological one. Many different themes and case studies will be presented to introduce the problem of the use, persistence of vision and transformation of historical sources inside contemporary artistic researches.

Part II
The system of art exhibitions: from the artist’s side, from the public’s side, from the critics’ side.
The polemics can reveal themeselves as a useful opportunity to reflect upon the analysis instruments and the elaborate problems included inside the study of the exhibitions’ dynamics: we can just have a look at the debate raised around the 2012 Venice Biennale.
The analysis of the system of the Beaux-Arts exhibitions, as it defined itself during the nineteenth century, the reconstruction of the critical debate which rised inside this context, allow us to frame some questions which will remain central in the contemporary art

Full programme

Oltre agli argomenti trattati a lezione:
• Le immagini tradotte. Usi Passaggi Trasformazioni, a cura di C. Casero e M. Guerra, Prefazione di L.Hutcheon, Diabasis, Reggio Emilia 2011
• Nel segno di Polifilo, in “Parole rubate/ Purloined Letters”, 2, dic. 2010, pp.51-93.(http://www. parolerubate.unipr.it)
• Giocare con le fonti iconiche: tra mimetismo e ribaltamento, in M. Masau Dan, V.Strukelj, Leonor Fini, inserto allegato a “Art e Dossier”, n.256, aprile 2010, pp.32-39 e pp.40-47 o Leonor Fini: autoritratti en femme fatale, in De Claris Mulieribus. Figure storie femminili nella tradizione europea, a cura di L.Bandiera e D.Saglia, Parma, Mup, 2011, pp.301-328
• A.Negri, L’arte in mostra. Una storia delle esposizioni, Bruno Mondadori, Milano 2001.
• V.Strukelj, F.Zanella, Dal progetto al consumo. Le arti in mostra nell’Italia dell’Ottocento, MUP, Parma 2011


• Le immagini tradotte. Usi Passaggi Trasformazioni, a cura di C. Casero e M. Guerra, Prefazione di L.Hutcheon, Diabasis, Reggio • A.Negri, L’arte in mostra. Una storia delle esposizioni, Bruno Mondadori, Milano 2001.
• V.Strukelj, F.Zanella, Dal progetto al consumo. Le arti in mostra nell’Italia dell’Ottocento, MUP, Parma
Emilia 2011

Teaching methods

Frontal lessons and seminars

Assessment methods and criteria

Written tests are fixed while the lessons are in progress, and the final exam will be oral

Other information

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