cod. 1002452

Academic year 2010/11
4° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Malattie apparato visivo (MED/30)
Clinica medico-chirurgica degli organi di senso
Type of training activity
16 hours
of face-to-face activities
2 credits
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course unit
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Integrated course unit module: HEAD AND NECK DISEASES

Learning objectives

To educate the student on the pathophysiology and clinical course of the main diseases in ophthalmology. The Course will encompass (a) lectures, (b) tutorials and (c) seminars. Students will, by default, attend all lectures and tutorials, but are free to choose the seminar(s), they are most interested in. Upon completion of the Course, each student will be able to discuss basic clinical cases by creating individual flow charts on diagnostics and therapeutics.


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Course unit content

Eye refraction. Refractive disease: pathophysiology and treatment (basics of refractive surgery), Basics of ophthalmic instrumental diagnostics (perimetry, electrophysiology, fluorangiography, echography). Orbit and lcrimal tract diseases. Differential diagnosis of anterior segment disease: basics on conjunctivitits, keratitis, uveitis. Glaucomas: chronic open angle, congenital, secondary, chronic and acute closed angle. The cataracts: congenital, acquired, age-related. Basics on cataract surgery. Retinal vascular diseases (arterial and venous occlusion). Diabetic and hypertensive retinopathy: diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, predictive value on long-term life-span prognosis. Vitreoretinal pathologies: rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, proliferative vitreo-retinopathy (PVR), age-related maculopathy, retinopathy of prematurity. Eyeball neoplasms: uveal melanoma, retinoblastoma. Basics in neurophthalmology: optic neuritis, papilledema, anisokoria, chiasmatic syndrome and optic tract compression. Uveitis and systemic disease. Congenital and concomitant strabismus. Functional ambliopia: diagnosis, treatment, prevention. Paralitic strabismus and gaze palsy.

Full programme

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C. Sborgia – N. Delle Noci, Malattie dell’Apparato Visivo, Ed. Piccin
J.J. Kanski, Oftalmologia clinica, Ed. Elsevier
L. Bonomi, Argomenti di Oftalmologia, Protei Editori
M. Miglior – B. Bagolini – B. Boles Carenino – N. Orzatesi – L. Scullica M. Zingirian, Oftalmologia Clinica, Ed. Monduzzi

Teaching methods

Oral lesson

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral exam

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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