Course unit partition: Cognomi G-Z

Academic year 2008/09
1° year of course - First semester
Nicola BRUNO
Academic discipline
Psicologia generale (M-PSI/01)
Ambito aggregato per crediti di sede
Type of training activity
64 hours
of face-to-face activities
8 credits
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course unit
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Course unit partition: GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY

Learning objectives

Introduction to scientific psychology and to the study of cognitive processes. Basic understanding of theoretical concepts used to model cognitive processes and of experimental techniques used in their study. By the the end of the course, students will also be expected to understand relationships between empirical evidence and theories, to be able to interpret typical data in scientific psychology, and to evaluate the use and limits of different experimental paradigms.


Only first-year students whose last name begins G-Z are allowed to take the exam with prof. Bruno.

Course unit content

 How does a typical individual mind interact with the environment? How does it construct representations of that environment and of itself? An up-to-date introduction to the workings of the cognitive processes: learning and memory, attention, reasoning, decision-making, perception and movement control. Brief descriptions of methods in scientific psychology also included.

Full programme

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Zorzi, M. & Girotto, V. (2004). Fondamenti di Psicologia Generale. Bologna: Il
Lecture materials (only for students who come to class).

Teaching methods

Classes start on October 13, 2008 and meeet three times a week on Mondays 11:00-13:00, Thursdays 16:00-18:00, and Fridays 9:00-11:00 in the Aula Magna, Polo Didattico, untill filled and in Rooms A and E (videoconference). In the event of cancellations students will be notified in advance.Lectures begin 15 minutes after the hour (the "academic quarter") and end approximately 15 minutes before the hour, with no pauses in between. Lectures consist of a combination of traditional lecturing and in-class demonstrations. Students who come to class will receive a proposed final grade based on their performance in two preliminary and one final exam. All exams are written and consist of a few open questions to be answered in no more than an handwritten page. Students who do not take all three exams will be requested to take the regular exam in one of the six dates that are indicated in the Faculty schedule. Oral exams are optional and their outcome is independent of previously completed written exams.There will be no additional opportunities to take the exams besides the dates that are indicated in the Faculty schedule.

Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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