cod. 08614

Academic year 2023/24
1° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Anatomia umana (BIO/16)
Morfologia umana
Type of training activity
90 hours
of face-to-face activities
9 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Integrated course unit module: ANATOMY I

Learning objectives

1 Knowledge and understanding: Systematic description of regional anatomy and morphology of human body, its macro and microscopic features in the different periods of life, know the organogenesis and phases of development.
2 Applying knowledge and understanding: This knowledge must be applied to simple clinical reasonement (case studies).
3 Making judgements: Students are expected to be able to follow a reasonement of functional anatomy.
4 Communication skills: Students are expected to use a proper technical language.
5 Learning skills: Students are expected to be able to summarize a technical text.


Histology and general embryology

Course unit content

Organogenesis of the skull, neck, trunk and limbs, and concepts of metamerism. General morphology of the human body and its various constitutional variants.
General information on bones, joints, ligaments, skeletal muscles and fasciae of head, neck, thorax abdomen, arm and leg.
Cardio-vascular System: outline of the embryology and organogenesis; gross anatomy and microscopic anatomy of the heart; morpho-functional, cellular and molecular characteristics of the blood vessels (arteries, veins, capillaries); arteries and veins of general and pulmonary circulations.
Respiratory System: macro- and microscopic anatomy of the upper and lower airways, lung and pleurae.
Lymphatic vascular System: topography of the lymphatic drainage; macro- and microscopic, molecular and functional anatomy of hemopoietic organs (bone marrow) and primary and secondary lymphoid organs (thymus, spleen, lymph nodes).
Endocrine System: morphology, architecture and structure of the endocrine glands: hypophysis, epiphysis, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal gland, paragangli, endocrine pancreas, cromaffine system and widespread neuroendocrine system.
Endocrine System: morphology, architecture and structure of the endocrine glands: hypophysis, epiphysis, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal gland, paragangli, endocrine pancreas, cromaffine system and widespread neuroendocrine system.
Urinary System: general organization and organogenesis; macro- and microscopic anatomy of the kidney, cytology and molecular anatomy of the nephron; topography and structure of the ureter, bladder and urethra.

Full programme

Introduction: anatomical terminology, organization of the human body
General information on bones, joints, ligaments, skeletal muscles and fasciae.
General features of the skull. Skull bones. Orbital cavity, nasal cavity, buccal cavity, paranasal sinuses
Calvaria: external and internal surface, with references to muscles, fasciae, meninges, venous sinuses.
Skull base: internal and external surfaces, with references to the fossa and foramina. Temporal-mandibular joint. Mimic and masticatory muscles and fasciae.
Atlanto-occipital joint.
Neck: bones and muscles.
Arterial and venous blood supply, lymphatic system and somatic and visceral innervations of the skull and neck. Organogenesis of head and neck structure. Reference to clinical anatomy.
Spine: bones, joints, ligaments, extensor muscles, flexors and rotators,
Chest: bones, joints and intrinsic muscles. Diaphragm.
Shoulder girdle: scapula, clavicle, joints and muscles of the shoulder girdle, muscles of the shoulder joint
Hips: bones, joints and muscles of the pelvis. The abdominal wall.
Upper and lower limb: bones, joints, muscles.
Organogenesis of musculo-skeletal system and concepts of metamerism.

Cardio-vascular system: macro- and microscopic anatomy of the heart; morpho-functional, cellular and molecular characteristics of the blood vessels (arteries, veins, capillaries); arteries and veins of general and pulmonary circulations. Outline of organogenesis.

Respiratory system: macro- and microscopic anatomy of the upper and lower airways, lung and pleurae. Outline of organogenesis.
Lymphatic vascular system: topography of the lymphatic drainage; macro- and microscopic, molecular and functional anatomy of hemopoietic organs (bone marrow) and primary and secondary lymphoid organs (thymus, spleen, lymph nodes).
Endocrine System: morphology, architecture and structure of the endocrine glands: hypophysis, epiphysis, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal gland, paraganglia, endocrine pancreas, chromaffin system and widespread neuroendocrine system. Outline of organogenesis.
Urinary System: general organization and organogenesis; macro- and microscopic anatomy of the kidney, cytology and molecular anatomy of the nephron; topography and structure of the ureter, bladder and urethra.


TRATTATO di Anatomia Umana (Anastasi et al.), Ed. EdiErmes;
SOBOTTA Anatomia Umana, edizione italiana a cura di M.Vitale, Ed. EDRA;
NETTER Atlante di Anatomia Umana, Ed. EDRA;
PROMETHEUS - Atlante di Anatomia, edizione italiana a cura di E.Gaudio, Ed. EdiSES.

Teaching methods

Class lectures, with the use of anatomical specimens and models.
Supporting material will be available on the specific, student-reserved platform (Elly). Slides will be available for Dental Students only (“5026 – MEDICINA E CHIRURGIA”).
Atlas, anatomical models and the laboratory of virtual interactive dissection will be also available. Anatomical rooms with anatomical models will be available for individual learning

Assessment methods and criteria

The achievement of the goals of the course will be assessed by a oral examination. Through questions about the contents of the course the student preparation will be tested. Exams will specifically consist of 2 phases, as follows. Phase 1: identification and description of at least one microscopy slides. Phase 2: evaluation of the knowledge of the entire course programme.
Students with DSA/BSE must contact the University's Reception and Inclusion Centre (CAI) in advance and follow the CAI's instructions for any requests for personalised examinations ( ).

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

Good health and well-being;
Quality education


Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

E. [] 
T. +39 0521 033700

Quality assurance office

Education manager

Giovanna Caselli
T. +39 0521 033851
Office E.] 
Manager E. [] 

President of the degree course

[Prof.] [Marcello Giuseppe] [Maggio]
E. []

Faculty advisor

[Prof.] [Stefano] [Guizzardi]
E. [] 

[Prof.] [Aderville] [Cabassi]
E. [] 

Career guidance delegate

[Prof.] [Stefano] [Guizzardi]
E. [] 

[Prof.] [Aderville] [Cabassi]
E. [] 

Tutor Professors

[titolo] [nome] [cognome]
E. [email @unipr] (modificare link a email)

Erasmus delegate

[Prof.ssa] [Alessandra] [Dei Cas]
E. [] 
[Prof.ssa] [Mara] [Bonelli]
E. [] 

[Prof.ssa] [Valentina] [Cannone]
E. [] 

[Prof.] [Andrea] [Ticinesi]
E. [] 

[Prof.] [Roberto] [Sala]
E. [] 

Quality assurance manager

[Prof.] [Paolo] [Del Rio]
E. [] 

Tutor students

[titolo] [nome] [cognome]
E. [email @unipr] (modificare link a email)