cod. 1011040

Academic year 2022/23
2° year of course - Second semester
Stefania MUSSO
Academic discipline
Fisica tecnica ambientale (ING-IND/11)
A scelta dello studente
Type of training activity
Student's choice
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
3 credits
course unit

Integrated course unit module: FOOD SPACE DESIGN

Learning objectives

Understanding the design experience of the exhibit or exhibit product and its relationship with the space through interdisciplinary readings.
Being able to verify the validity of the proposed solutions also from the technical-constructive and user's point of view in the space.
Knowing how to describe and interpret the context's problems to prepare appropriate and relevant design strategies and solutions.

More specifically:
Know the evolution of the practice of food space design, with particular reference to innovations in the interior, exhibit, and retail design.
Knowing how to develop a correct proposal according to needs and performances required, construction feasibility, and the contextualization of the proposal in the spaces chosen.
Knowing how to deepen basic knowledge and choose between different typological and structural solutions.
Developing an attitude of great attention to the different phases of the project:
● Elaboration of the initial idea
● Development of the concept and its mood board
● Detailed design of the spatial project and its material and intangible components

Being able to integrate furnishing solutions with those related to Lighting Design and Soundscape Design and, in this way, make the project proposal complete.


Excellent knowledge of descriptive geometry and techniques of representation, essential for addressing and drafting the project, is required, and in particular:
- excellent knowledge of Cartesian geometry and both analog and digital representation techniques;
- a keen ability to observe the surrounding world and great curiosity about construction technologies and materials;
- good analytical and synthesis skills.

Course unit content

The course develops the methodological and practical knowledge related to designing environments where food is processed, displayed, sold, and consumed.
It provides students with a broad understanding base on the following topics:
- mandatory references, methods and criteria for the interior design project for food spaces (5 hours);
- interior design culture for the food system (5 hours);
- experts and protagonists of food space design (5 hours).
A design assignment will complement the methodological-cultural introduction. The design exercise intends to encourage students to measure themselves with concrete aspects of the food places project (15 hours).

Full programme

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- Aglieri Rinella T., Food Experience: design e architettura d'interni. Postmedia Book, Milano 2019
- Bassi A., Food design in Italia. Progetto e comunicazione del prodotto alimentare. Mondadori, Milano 2015.
- D'Annuntiis M., Menzietti G., Food and space. Quodlibet, Macerata 2018.
-Vaudetti M., Canepa S., Musso S. Esporre Allestire Vendere, Wolters Kluwer Italia, Milano 2014.
- Vaudetti M., Edilizia per il commercio , Utet Scienze e Tecniche, Torino 2007
- Polano S., Mostrare, Lybra Immagine, Milano 1988
- Scodeller D., Negozi-l'architetto nello spazio della merce, Electa, Milano 2007
A summary of the covered topics and a copy of the slides used during the lessons will be available on the teaching portal. The teacher will provide other more specific bibliographical indications during class.

Teaching methods

The Laboratory intends to address the following issues through lessons and exercises:
- the evolution of food space design
- the relationship between exposure/information/communication/interactivity and multimedia/graphics and communication.

The Laboratory will also discuss the following topics:
- the main categories of food spaces and places
- exhibition and exhibition criteria

The Laboratory will investigate in particular:
- environmental, performance and performance analysis;
- the comfort of the public concerning the building and food products;
- knowledge of materials and their applications in the field.

A design assignment will complement the methodological-cultural introduction. The design exercise intends to encourage students to measure themselves with concrete aspects of the design of food spaces (15 hours).
As for the project assignment, the students will be asked to respond to a design brief aroused from the relationship with companies and entities operating in the sectors of interest. The students will work on the assignment in groups, alternating lessons, reviews and field visits.

Assessment methods and criteria

The final mark of the Laboratory of Food Space Design is the average of the exams of the two courses, INTERIOR DESIGN FOR FOOD SPACES and LIGHT, SOUND AND CLIMATE FOR FOOD SPACES. The exams will consist of an oral presentation, a discussion of the design exercise and its final elaborations, and questions that ascertain knowledge and understanding of the theoretical contents.
The Laboratory requires assiduous attendance, considering the final grade will be expressed with a single examination. For the different phases of the project development, the activities carried out will be monitored through moments of public presentation in the classroom and the submission of materials reviewed by the teachers during seminars.
The assessment of these moments will contribute to the final mark. As mentioned, the final grade will also take into account the evaluation of the final project's representation material (tables in format A2 and A1, supplementary books with comments on the tables, and technical reports) presented and discussed at the exam. Students, organized in groups, carry out Laboratory activities. Still, the evaluation for each student is individual (expressed with a single vote), and it will consider the student's participation in teaching and reviews of the project. These will be organized to complement the lessons according to a specific calendar (which will be communicated to the students). Also, other elements that determine the individual evaluation of each student are the intermediate assessments (written, oral, graphic) and the evaluation of the oral presentation of each group to the examination committee with the discussion of the final project, the individual participation in this work, the knowledge acquired through the lessons. The maximum grade is 30 cum Laude.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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