cod. 1009611

Academic year 2023/24
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Disegno industriale (ICAR/13)
Design e comunicazioni multimediali
Type of training activity
60 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
course unit

Integrated course unit module: DESIGN FOR FOOD

Learning objectives

The knowledge required to act effectively in the complex contemporary design processes is related to the design methodology and, more specifically, to the management and development of the project in a context of a broad and complex investigation, which starts from a brief to be refined and defined, in dialogue with the client.

The designer for food will be able to define new projects for the food system and to give shape to the relative value and material chains, consciously and responsibly.
In this sense, it is expected that, during the Laboratory, students acquire and exercise specific skills such as critical thinking; analysis and interpretation of the context; decision-making skills and the assumption of professional, social and environmental responsibilities; the ability to work in collaboration with the disciplinary skills that contribute to the course, interpreting and finalising the valuable contributions to the product-system being developed.


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Course unit content

In the first part of the course (20h, 2 CFU), students will be encouraged to develop knowledge about design and for design through theoretical lessons and in-depth analyses from the case studies research. In particular, the course will address the following topics:

- domains of food design, design domains and design research;
- contemporary design for food systems in Italy and abroad;
- global food challenges between sustainability and accessibility;
- users' systems and project prerequisites;
- design method and design processes;
- represent and communicate the project;
- accessibility, sensoriality, user experience;
- low-fi prototyping and appropriate technology;
- food and community engagement;
- food waste and circularity;
- food design and research.

In the second part of the course (40 hours, 4 CFU), the students will participate in a project exercise that intends to stimulate, in practice, their skills to apply the acquired knowledge. The exercise will strengthen the understanding and experience of the "methodological stages" of industrial design. Accordingly, the students will translate the brief into a precise and appropriate project demand. They will explore the design scenario and define the project's concept and guidelines, paying attention to the needs of the users' categories (fruition, management, production and environmental), and putting into value, always, the perspective of the Science and Technology of Materials and Economic Evaluation.
Students will also be encouraged to support the design exercise through micro-experiences of direct interaction with the food matter, whether valuable or possible. These experiences will allow a first approach to the concepts of appropriate technology, user experience and conscious design (of resources, needs, abilities) through the modalities of learning by doing and low-fidelity prototyping.

Full programme

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- Bassi A., Food design in Italia. Progetto e comunicazione del prodotto alimentare. Mondadori, 2015.
- Celaschi F., Deserti A. Design e innovazione. Carocci Editore, 2007.
- Germak C. (a cura di). L'uomo al centro del progetto. Allemandi, 2008 – open access sul portale della didattica
- Mari E. La valigia senza manico. Bollati Boringhieri, 2004.
- Manzini E., Jegou F. Quotidiano sostenibile. Scenari di vita urbana. Edizioni Ambiente, 2003.
- Munari B. Da cosa nasce cosa, Laterza. II Edizione 'economica Laterza', 2010.
- Norman D. A. La caffettiera del Masochista. Psicopatologia degli oggetti quotidiani. Giunti Editore, 2009.
- Reissig, P. Welcome to Food Design: a primer. Instituto de la Espacialidad Humana, FADU, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2014.
- Testa A.M. (a cura di). La creatività a più voci. Editori Laterza, 2005
- Thackara J. In the bubble. Design per un futuro sostenibile. Allemandi, 2008

Additional material will be made available online (notes and bibliography)

Teaching methods

In the first part of the course (20h, 2 CFU), students will be encouraged to develop knowledge about design and for design through theoretical lessons and in-depth analyses from the case studies research.

In the second part of the course (40 hours, 4 CFU), the students will participate in a project exercise that intends to stimulate, in practice, their skills to apply the acquired knowledge.

Assessment methods and criteria

The exam includes an oral interview lasting 30 minutes, combined with the modules NEW MATERIALS FOR THE FOOD SYSTEM and IMPACT AND EVALUATION. It will take place in person, inside the classroom.
During the interview, students will present the project carried out during the semester in a coordinated way between the three courses, using different project representations as agreed during the year according to the project theme.
The discussion will be held in a group, but each student will be asked to give an account of the design choices made and the results obtained in terms of content, function and form.
The interview includes discussing explanatory and critical topics of the project and in-depth questions related to scientific and technological knowledge related to materials and to economic evaluation aspects. To pass the exam a correct use of terminology and a clear and concise exposition are required, to illustrate the logical links between the different aspects considered for the project.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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