cod. 1009594

Academic year 2022/23
1° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Disegno industriale (ICAR/13)
Formazione di base nel progetto
Type of training activity
60 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Integrated course unit module: MODELING STUDIO

Learning objectives

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Course unit content

Educational objectives
Students will develop integrated skills, both theoretical and practical.
- mastery of the different types and uses of the different representation techniques;
- knowledge of the main techniques of drawing on paper (sketching) for industrial design;
- ability to recognize the physical phenomena underlying photography e
understanding of the phenomena of optics;
- knowledge of three-dimensional modeling tools and ability to create digital mock-ups of products;
- knowledge of main lighting and framing techniques in the cinematographic field;
- ability to work in teams for the creation of 3D content.

Attitude to manual and digital drawing, skills in digital three-dimensional modeling through the technique of polygonal models, manual skills in the processing of different materials with accessible construction techniques; basic knowledge of technical drawing, elements of visual communication; knowledge of basic basic computer systems.

Course contents
It provides the cultural and technical tools to effectively manage the relationship between the two-dimensional and three-dimensional communication of the physical object. It consists in the transmission of basic and transversal knowledge connected to real modeling for design through the visualization and rapid prototyping and in the real one of the physical model made with mixed techniques, with high accessibility with materials of simple processing, up to its digital version for 3D printing.

Extended program
- Theory of real models, the importance of the model in industrial design.
- How to survey an object.
- In-depth study of materials, tools and techniques for real modeling.
- The scales and methods of representation.
- The functions and modeling phases of a real model.
- Workings and structures.
- Construction of solids with different materials.
- Construction techniques of complex shapes with the use of different materials.
- Practical exercises in the classroom.
- The painting of the real model.
- Photograph and presentation of the model.
- Bagliani D., Architecture, Drawing, Graphic staircase, Celid, Turin 1987
- Bistagnino L., Giordani M., Paths between real and virtual, Celid, Turin 1995
- Polato P., The model in design, Hoepli, Milan 2000
- Ceccarelli N., Designing in the digital age: the new relationship between design and model, Marsilio, Venice 2003

Didactic methods
The Laboratory consists of two disciplines organized into lessons and exercises, to which is added an in-depth study given by the Laboratory macro-exercise, activated transversally by the two disciplines. Each discipline is organized in lectures and exercises and learning verification activities, or classroom reviews and discussions (individual or collective) of the documents produced.
Learning verification mode
The verification of learning takes place through:
- presentation and discussion of a group project in which the style design of an industrial product is developed. This will require the practical application of the skills acquired in both modules,
- presentation and discussion of an individual project, to verify the knowledge acquired in the first module,
- presentation and discussion of an individual project, to verify the knowledge acquired in the second module.
The laboratory grade will be unique and will represent the summary of the individual grades and the presentation of the group project.

Full programme

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Teaching methods

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Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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