cod. 1009158

Academic year 2022/23
1° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Chimica fisica (CHIM/02)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Type of training activity
62 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The Course of Applied Spectroscopy aims to provide students with the basic tools of quantum mechanics necessary to understand and use the spectroscopic methodologies of interest in chemistry

 D1 - Knowledge and ability to understand:
At the end of the course the student is expected to be able to know the fundamental principles of the interaction between electromagnetic radiation and molecules,
He should know the concepts of molecular spectroscopy; understand the mathematical language necessary for the description of time-dependent phenomena and of the radiation-matter interaction, understand the problems associated with advanced optical spectroscopy experiments.

D2 - Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
The student will have the ability to understand the relevant scientific literature, and to understand the relationships between molecular structure, electronic structure and spectroscopic properties; The student will be able to choose and use the main optical spectroscopy techniques to analyze and characterize the properties of molecular systems.

 D3 - Autonomy of judgment
The student will be able to independently analyze and evaluate the choice of the best spectroscopic techniques to be used for the characterization of materials and molecular systems. He will be able to interpret the experimental results.

D4 - Communication skills
The student will be able to communicate and comment on issues related to optical spectroscopy and its applications also in an interdisciplinary way with physicists,
biologists and materials scientists.

D5 -
The student will be able to deepen and extend their knowledge
using bibliographic resources, scientific articles and reviews on more specialized subjects.


Basic understanding of molecular quantum mechanics

Course unit content

Basic notions
- The electromagnetic spectrum
- MAcroscopic theory of Absorption

Part I:
- Time-dependent QM
- Time-dependent perturbation theory: Fermi golden rule
- Absorption and Emission
- Electronic spectroscopy
- Vibrational spectroscopy
- Raman spectroscopy

Part II (Lab.)
- Electronic spectroscopy: Absorption spectra. Fluorescence and Excitation spectra. Lifetime spectra
- IR spectroscopy of molecular and crystalline systems
- Raman spectroscopy and Raman Imaging

Full programme

- The nature of the electromagnetic radiation: The electromagnetic spectrum; Polarization of light;
- Propagation of light in matter: Refraction, Reflection, Absorption and Emission, Scattering.
- Macroscopic theory of absorption (Lambert-Beer law)

Part I.
- Time Dependent Quantum Mechanics: Time Dependent Perturbation Theory.
- Interaction Hamiltonian: Fermi's Golden Rule; Electric dipole aprroximation.
- Transition rate: Absorption; Photon density of states, spontaneous and stimulated emission. Oscillator strength.
- Electronic spectroscopy: Molecular transitions, band profiles and Franck-Condon factors
- Vibrational spectroscopy
- Light scattering: qualitative treatment; interaction between the electromagnetic radiation and the induced dipole moment: two-photon processes.
- Raman spectroscopy: polarizability tensor; Resonant Raman. SERS and TERS.

Part II (Applications and laboratory)
- Electronic spectroscopy: absorption and emission. Fluorescence and Phosphorescence, Kasha Rule and excitation profiles. Lifetime spectra.
- IR spectroscopy of crystalline materials; surface technique (ATR and IRRAS)
- Raman spectroscopy of crystalline materials and polymeric materials: Selection rules and factor group symmetry.
- Raman Imaging


G.C.Schatz, M.A.Ratner, "Quantum Mechanics in Chemistry", Dover (2002) (fisrt part)

J. McHale, "Molecular Spectroscopy" CRC Press (2017)
J.I Steinfeld "Molecules and Radiation" Dover (2005)

Teaching methods

The course of 48 CFU will use lectures and heuristic lessons for the first part of the course.
In the second part of the course we will mainly spend our time in the lab to extend and apply concepts in optica spectroscopy.

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral exam to evaluate knowledge, comprehension skills and critical understanding, The exam is divided into two questions, one on a specific topic chosen by the student that must be deepened and organized by the student himself and a second one on a more general topic concerning the basics of optical spectroscopy.

Other information

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