Learning objectives
At the end of this course, thanks to lab practice, students should
1. demonstrate software, hardware and equipment skills:
1.1. Demonstrate the ability of modeling electronic circuit and sensor/ actuator systems with Matlab or Spice
1.2. Demonstrate the safe and proper use of basic laboratory equipment
1.3. Demonstrate proper techniques for debugging/troubleshooting an experimental setup
1.4. Design, build, and characterize a custom set of signal conditioning circuits and transducers to make engineering and/or scientific measurements
2. demonstrate experimental and analytical skills:
2.1. Demonstrate the design/planning and completion of safe experiments,
2.2. Demonstrate manipulation and presentation of experimentally-obtained data,
2.3. Analyze and compare the results of mathematical and computer modeling of an experiment with actual experimental results
3. demonstrate the beginnings of professional practice:
3.1. Effectively communicate in written form the design, completion, and analysis of experiments,
3.2. Effectively communicate by oral presentation the design, completion, and analysis of experiments
Non ci sono prerequisiti
Course unit content
To introduce students with the fundamentals of modern electronic instrumentation and sensor principles. The Module I (9 CFU) will be dedicated to lessons and the Module II (3 CFU) to laboratory projects.
The lab project will be designed to provide students with an opportunity to consolidate their theoretical knowledge of electronics and sensors and to acquaint them with the art and practice of circuit and product design.
Projects include electric, magnetic and piezo sensors, electronic instrumentation such oscillators and signal-conditioning circuits. A specification or functional description or a scientific paper will be provided, and the students will design the circuit, select all components, simulate or construct a breadboard or a PCB, and test. The objective will be functional, pragmatic, cost-effective designs.
Software: Matlab and PSpice (PSpice for TI or TINA-TI or LTSpice)
Full programme
Projects include electric, magnetic and piezo sensors, electronic instrumentation such oscillators and signal-conditioning circuits. A specification or functional description will be provided, and the students will design the circuit, select all components, possibly construct a breadboard or a PCB, and test. The objective will be functional, pragmatic, cost-effective designs.
data sheets and scientific papers
Teaching methods
There will be 36 Lectures of 2 hours each (Module I - 9 CFU) and up to 5 laboratory assignments to be developed preferably in groups of 2 or 3 students during 12 weeks (Module II - 3 CFU - 3 consecutive hours per week).
Laboratory projects consist of
- design of an active filter by means of Matlab and Spice
- design of a sinusoidal oscillator with Spice
- design of a signal conditioning circuit for a NTC sensor
- analysis with Spice or Matlab of a self-balancing bridge or other circuit described in a scientific paper for a capacitive sensor
- analysis with Spice or Matlab of a conditioning circuit described in a scientific paper for magnetic or piezoelectric sensors/actuators
The due dates for laboratory assignments will be given on the web page.
Homework assignments must be submitted in a concise (4/6 page maximum) format that is organized, professional and legible (labeled axes, correct units, readable simulations, etc...)
Lesson handouts and assigned scientific articles will be periodically posted on Elly
In order to download handouts, homeworks, etc., students have to be registered by the Instructor.
Reading assignments include sections of the recommended textbook, distributed readings, and supplementary notes handed out in lecture.
More details will be available during the semester in the Course website.
It is highly suggested the use of Matlab and LTSpice or PSpice for TI or TINA-TI
Assessment methods and criteria
Homework/laboratory assignments: 40%
All homework/laboratory assignments and quizzes are graded on a scale from 0 to 30 and will be weighted by a coefficient of the 8%
Oral examination: 60%
Other information
See web site Elly
2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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