cod. 1005355

Academic year 2024/25
4° year of course - First semester
Patrizia SANTI
Academic discipline
Farmaceutico tecnologico applicativo (CHIM/09)
Discipline chimiche, farmaceutiche e tecnologiche
Type of training activity
40 hours
of face-to-face activities
5 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

At the end of the course the student should have acquired knowledge and understanding of functional cosmetic, of cosmetic technology both traditional and innovative and of cosmetic legislation.
In particular, the student should:
1. Be able to understand the functional mechanisms of the skin. Know functional cosmetic and cosmetic technology. Be able to use the specific language and the correct terminology for cosmetic ingredients. Know the European Regulatory Guidelines for Cosmetics with regards to fabrication, import and commercialization of cosmetics products (knowledge and understanding).
2. Be able to recognize the function of each excipient of a given cosmetic product and the possible interactions among them. Be capable of formulating the main categories of cosmetic products (solutions, creams, lotions, detergents) (applying knowledge and understanding).
3. Be able to communicate the results of scientific studies also to a non-expert audience. Be able to write a formal document, neat, understandable and appropriate for the professional context. Be able to produce a written document morphologically, syntactically and grammatically correct (communication skills).
4. Be able to evaluate the quality of a cosmetic product as a function of its composition and the instruction for use indicated (making judgements).
5. Be able to connect the different subject studied among them and with the basic disciplines. Have the capability of continuous education, through the scientific publications in the field of pharmaceutical technology (learning skills).


Pharmaceutical technology is a pre-requisite.

Course unit content

The contents of the module are the following:

Anatomy, physiology and biochemistry of the skin and its annexes. Factors affecting skin permeation and retention of cosmetic ingredients. Skin analysis

Cosmetic raw materials: Lipids. Surfactants. Solubilizers. Rheological additives. Preservatives and antimicrobials. Antioxidants. Humectants. Colorants. Texturizers. Solvents. Silicones.

Cosmetic formulations: solutions, suspensions, emulsions, gels, solid mixtures, pressurized formulations.

Functional cosmetics: Detergents: composition and characteristics. Skin care products. Hair cosmetics: shampoo, conditioners, hair colors. Perfumes.

Decorative cosmetics: foundations, eye shades, mascara, lip sticks, nail enamel.

Side effects of cosmetics

European Regulatory Guidelines for fabrication, import and commercialization of cosmetics products.

Full programme

The contents of the module are the following:

Anatomy, physiology and biochemistry of the skin and its annexes. Factors affecting skin permeation and retention of cosmetic ingredients. Skin analysis

Cosmetic raw materials: Lipids. Surfactants. Solubilizers. Rheological additives. Preservatives and antimicrobials. Antioxidants. Humectants. Colorants. Texturizers. Solvents. Silicones.

Cosmetic formulations: solutions, suspensions, emulsions, gels, solid mixtures, pressurized formulations.

Functional cosmetics: Detergents: composition and characteristics. Skin care products. Hair cosmetics: shampoo, conditioners, hair colors. Perfumes.

Decorative cosmetics: foundations, eye shades, mascara, lip sticks, nail enamel.

Side effects of cosmetics

European Regulatory Guidelines for fabrication, import and commercialization of cosmetics products.


G. D’Agostinis e E. Mignini, Manuale del Cosmetologo, II Edizione, Ed. Tecniche Nuove (Milano).

Testi da consultare (presenti nella Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Scienze degli Alimenti e del Farmaco):
• G. Proserpio, Le basi della cosmetologia, Ed. SEPEM, Milano.
• I. Bonadeo, Prodotti Cosmetici, cosmetologia e tecnologia cosmetiche, Ed. Librería Cortina (Milano)

Il Docente mette a disposizione copia delle diapositive sul portale Elly, con cadenza settimanale.

Teaching methods

The course includes lessons, using slide projections, that will be available online for students. Slides are complementary didactic material.
The teacher will recall continuously to the use of the appropriate technical language, will use everyday life examples, will underline connections among different parts of the course and will promote active student participation.
4 hours will be dedicated to exercises and mock examinations.

Assessment methods and criteria

Thee xams will be carried out in Italian.

The summative evaluation of the knowledge acquired is made through a written exam, made of two partials relative to the two modules. The student should, then, after online enrollment:
a) pass a written exam during the official dates established by the Dipartimento di Scienze degli Alimenti e del Farmaco (Module of cosmetic products, weight 50% of the overall grade);
b) pass a written exam during the official dates established by the Dipartimento di Scienze degli Alimenti e del Farmaco (Module of innovative pharmaceutical formulations, weight 50% of the overall grade);

Each written exam, duration 1 hour, consists of 6 open answer questions and 12 multiple choice questions. Up to 2 points will be given for the communication skills of the student.
The student should demonstrate to have understood, and to be able to apply, the fundamental concepts of each subject studied. In particular, the evaluation of each module, expressed in thirtieths, will be made on the basis of the following criteria:
1. knowledge and comprehension (theoretical and practical) capability of the subjects studied;
2. Ability to make judgements and to connect the different subject studied among them;
3. communication skills and appropriate use of the technical language;
4. ability to learn and to elaborate the subjects studied.

The results of the exam are published on the portal ESSE3 ( within one week of the date of the exam. Students can see the exam, by appointment with the teacher.

Other information

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