cod. 1000827

Academic year 2020/21
1° year of course - First semester
Simonetta Anna VALENTI
Academic discipline
Letteratura francese (L-LIN/03)
Lingue e letterature moderne
Type of training activity
36 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit
in - - -

Learning objectives

The Course aims at introducing to the study of French contemporay Canadian novel, through the analysis of 3 texts, in which the spatial dimension will be especially examinated.
At the end of the Course, students will be able to:
- read and translate the texts;
- recognize the main themes that caracterize these works, with a particular attention to the spatial dimension;
- explain in French the most relevant characteristics of French Canadian literature, that are present in the 3 novels.


For the Course the linguistic level required is the B2/C1 (European Linguistic Framework).

Course unit content

The Course will analyse some of the most important novels of the contemporary French Canadian Literature, focalizing particularly on the spatial dimension.

Full programme

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Gabrielle ROY, "Bonheur d'occasion", Montréal, Editions du Boréal, 2009;

Anne HEBERT, "Kamouraska", Paris, Seuil, 1970, Coll. "Points";

Wajdi MOUAWAD, "Anima", Montréal, Leméac/Actes Sud, 2012;

ALAIN ROY, "Gabrielle Roy: l'idylle et le désir fantome", Montréal, Editions du Boréal, 2005;

ANA-MARIA CURELARU PINTILIE, "La problématique du mal dans la prose d'Anne Hébert", Paris, Editions Universitaires Européennes, 2016;

SIMONETTA VALENTI, "Rencontre. Le nouvel humanisme de Wajdi Mouawad", Bruxelles, Peter Lang, 2019.

Teaching methods

The didactic methods used during the Course will be:
- lessons in praesentia in French;
- use of slides;
- videos and other authentic materials.

Due to the measures for containing Covid-19 spread, the lessons will also comprehend on-line lessons, through the use of Teams and Elly Dusic platforms.

Please, find here below the links to the platforms used:
 https://elly.(nome dip.)
https://elly.(nome dip.)

Due to the the measures adopted to contain the Covid-19 outbreak, the lessons will be registrated on the Teams platform and will be accessible on-line.

Home activities would be assigned to single students and/or to groups of students in order to facilitate the relationship Teacher/Students.

Assessment methods and criteria

The acquisition of students' competences will be tested through an Oral Examination.
The following competences will be tested:
- linguistic and translation competence, particularly from French into Italian;
- specific knowledge concerning the works examined during he Course;
- correct and fluent oral expression in French;
- capacity for a personal and critical elaboration of the main themes of each work in programme;
- capacity to establish connections and parallelisms between different authors;
- historical and literary competence, concerning the literay period which is the object of the Course, focusing particularly on the main movements of contemporay French Canadian literature.

During the Oral Examination, the student are allowed to present only the integral version in French of each novel analysed.
Without the presentation of the integral version of each novel, the Exam could not take place.

In particular, a student demostrating to have acquired in an adequate way, but without a personal vision, the competences indicated, will obtain a mark between 18/30 and 24/30.
A mark between 25/30 and 27/30 will be given to the student that will show to have acquired the competences required, but not in a completely exhaustive way and not in a perfectly fluent French.
A student who will show to have acquired all the competences required and to be able to express them in a critical and personal way in a fluent French will be given a mark between 28/30 and 30/30.

Students in possession of the BES or DSA Certificate have to contact the Teacher in order to agree the modalities of the final Exam.

Other information

Please, find here below the links to the platforms used:
 https://elly.(nome dip.)
https://elly.(nome dip.)