Learning objectives
Training aim is knowledge of organization and assistance
in pediatric wards as first approach to nurses and clinical
problems. During training period, studied will be
followed by nurses and they will have contact with all
people working at the hospital to develop professional
relationship and develop skills on basis clinical and
ethical features in the pediatric, neuropsychiatric,
obstetrics, gynecologic area
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Course unit content
Clinical observation of main pediatric neuropsichyatric,
obstetric, gynecologic diseases in hospitalized children
and in children admitted at emergency section. Learning
of measuring vital parameters assessment of
consciousness arterial pulse, blood pressure, normal and
altered breath, body temperature, cyanosis, pulsossimetry.
Observation of venipuncture, venous central access,
liquid ev infusion, parenteral and enteral nutrition,
nasogastric tube, and main diagnostic in vivo tests, role
and responsibility of nurses in managing patients and
administering treatment. Observation of patients, critical
appraisal of history taken by nurses, physiological and
psychosocial factors of needs of patients. In the wards of
ossigenazione periferica (cianosi e tipi di cianosi).
Osservazione della venipuntura, medicazioni accessi
venosi centrali e aspetti fondamentali della infusione di
soluzioni endovenose e della nutrizione parenterale.
Osservazione del posizionamento e gestione del sondino
naso gastrico, della nutrizione entrale, i e dell’esecuzione
dei principali test diagnosticii. Identificazione del ruolo e
della responsabilità del personale infermieristico nella
gestione del paziente e nella somministrazione della
terapia. Osservazione del paziente, analisi critica
dell’anamnesi infermieristica dei fattori fisiologici,
psicosociali delle necessità specifiche del paziente. Nella
UO di Ginecologia e Ostetricia gli studenti osservano le
procedure specifiche della semeiotica ostetrica (manovre
di Leopold e vista ostetrica) la valutazione del battito
cardiaco fetale, le modalità di registrazione del benessere
fetale (cardiotocografia in travaglio di parto) la modalità
di attribuzione dei codici di triage ostetrico ginecologico,
il livello e la competenza autonoma delle ostetriche nella
gestione del travaglio di parto, la modalità di
compilazione di un partogramma, la presa in carico della
gravida a termine prevista dalla Regione Emilia
Ginecology - Obstetrics, students will see specific
obstetrics procedures (manouvre of Leopold, visit),
assessment of fetal hearth rythm, cardiotocography
during labour, assignment of triage codes, competences
of midwife during labour, writing a partograph,
management of gestation at the end of the period
according to Regione Emilia Romagna
Full programme
Clinical observation of main pediatric diseases in
hospitalized children, in children admitted at emergency
section and in women with reproductive organs problems
including pregnancy. Learning of measuringvital
parameters assessment of consciousness arterial pulse,
blood pressure, normal and altered breath, body
temperature, cyanosis, pulsossimetry. Observation of
venipuncture, venous central access, liquid ev infusion,
parenteral and enteral nutrition, nasogastric tube, and
main diagnostic in vivo tests, role and responsibility of
nurses in managing patients and administering treatment.
Observation of patients, critical appraisal of history taken
by nurses, physiological and psychosocial factors of
needs of patients.In the wards of Ginecology - Obstetrics,
students will see specific obstetrics procedures (manouvre
of Leopold, visit), assessment of fetal hearth rythm,
cardiotocography during labour, assignment of
triage codes, competences of midwife during labour,
writing a partograph, management of gestation at the end
of the period according to Regione Emilia Romagna.
- PDTA e le procedure di reparto
Castello M., Duse M. Manuale di Pediatria. Piccin Editore
Per la formazione degli studenti del Corso di Laurea Magistrale in
Medicina e Chirurgia
Collana Saperi, MUP Editore
GV Zuccotti, M. Giovannini Manuale di Pediatria, La Pratica Clinica, Società Editrice Esculapio.
Teaching methods
Acquisition of practical skills in wards of Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria. If health emergency lasts, the training will be held in
synchronous-streaming (“in telepresenza”) on the Teams platform with presentations available on Elly platform
Therefore, the opportunity of Student/Teacher interaction will be preserved both face to face and remotely, by the simultaneous use of the
Teams platform.
Assessment methods and criteria
Observational training. Examination consists in checking attendance at training and at
Students with SLD / BSE must first contact Le Eli-che: support for
students with disabilities, D.S.A., B.E.S. (https://sea.unipr.it/it/servizi/leeliche-
Other information
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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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