cod. 1007706

Academic year 2021/22
2° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Chimica farmaceutica (CHIM/08)
Ambito aggregato per crediti di sede
Type of training activity
42 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

Through attendance at the lessons and through individual study, the student will acquire the following skills

Knowledge and understanding: The student must demonstrate knowledge of the chemical-physical bases that regulate the action of neutraceuticals and food supplements;

Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: The student will have to demonstrate an understanding of the methods of use of the main nutraceutical classes.

Furthermore, the teaching aims to achieve independent judgment and communication skills.

Making judgments: During the lessons, the student must be able to interact with the topics suggested by the teacher and, also with the help of the recommended texts and teaching materials, be able to formulate independent judgments

Communication skills: The student must be able to present the results of their individual elaborations in a clear and critical manner, demonstrating knowledge of the research topics carried out during the program


Physiology, Biochemistry and Organic Chemistry, Economics

Course unit content

1) Nutraceuticals and food supplements

2) Water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins

3) Saturated and unsaturated fatty acids

4) Polyphenols

5) Mineral salts

6) Micronutrients

7) Creation of a Business Plan

8) Examples of nutraceutical projects

Full programme

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Teaching methods

The course will be conducted through lectures . Each lesson is a teaching module unit , in which , for each topic , are given to the student the foundation for acquiring knowledge and understanding , and to apply the knowledge and understanding to the problem treated in the unit of learning module

Assessment methods and criteria

Through an oral exam it will be ' verified that the student has successfully acquired the knowledge and understanding and the ability to apply knowledge and understanding of at least three topics covered in the course . In addition , it will be ' evaluated the independence of judgment and communication skills . The examination is only passed if the student will demonstrate a correct acquisition of skills . The vote will be formed for 30% of knowledge and understanding , 30 % of application of knowledge and understanding , 20 % of independent judgment and 20 % of communication skills .

Other information

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