cod. 1005719

Academic year 2022/23
3° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Meccanica applicata alle macchine (ING-IND/13)
Ingegneria meccanica
Type of training activity
72 hours
of face-to-face activities
9 credits
course unit

Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding: Students will acquire the basic knowledge of the laws of static, kinematics and dynamic, along with the transmission of motion and forces in simple mechanisms.
Applying knowledge and understanding: Through practical classroom exercises connected to some important topics, students learn how to analyze the basic mechanisms, laws of motion, simple dynamical systems analysis.
Making judgements: one of the objectives of the course is to skill the mechanical designer, who is able to analyze and draw a required functionality in an efficient and economic design.
Learning skills: The student who has attended the course will be able to deepen his knowledge of applied mechanics through the autonomous consultation of specialized books, scientific or divulgative journals, even outside the topics explained during lectures. The student will develop the ability to critically analyze simple mechanisms.
Communication skills: Through the front lessons and the assistance of the teacher, the student acquires the specific vocabulary inherent to the mechanical systems. At the end of the course, the student is expected to be able to present and discuss the basic problems of applied mechanics, the main contents of the course, both written and orally, such as ideas, engineering issues and related solutions. The student must communicate his knowledge through appropriate tools, so numerical problems are solved using common methods in the industry such as tables, diagrams, and numerical spreadsheets.


There are no mandatory propedeuticities, although knowledge of Mathematics and Physics is strongly recommended.

Course unit content

The course aims to provide the students with the general criteria for machines design. Therefore, the contents proposed during the course include in the first part of the course the systems of forces, the balance of bodies, the kinematics and the fundamental laws of dynamics and conservation of energy. In the second part of the course, the engines and their features. The third part of the course deals with the mechanical vibrations and the frequency response of the linear systems.

Full programme

1. Introduction and presentation of the course
2. Fundamentals of mechanics
3. Laws of the statics
4. Balance of forces systems
5. Balance of bodies
6. Kinematics of the point
7. Kinematic chains
8. The fundamental laws of dynamics
9. Conservation theorems
10. Dissipated energy, efficiency
11. The generation of movement: the engines
12. Constructive and functional characteristics of the engines
13. The characteristic curves of the engines
14. The toothed wheels
15. Frictions
16. Adaptation of speeds: transmissions
17. Start-up transients in the machines
18. Braking of the machines
19. Periodic machines
20. introduction to the vibrations at one degree of freedom
21. Resonance
22. Forced linear systems: frequency response
23. Operation of a seismograph
24. Operation of an accelerometer


The reference book, which is part of the teaching material and which is used both during the lectures and exercises, is:
Franco Giordana, “Lezioni di meccanica delle macchine”, Spiegel, 1999.
The book is recommended for both attending and non-attending students.

Teaching methods

The course counts 9 CFUs (one CFU, University Credits equals one ECTS credit and represents the workload of a student during educational activities aimed at passing the exams), which corresponds to 72 hours of lectures. The didactic activities will be carried out privileging frontal lessons and exercises, which will be held online on Microsoft Teams platform according to the official published timetable. During the frontal lessons, the course topics are proposed from the theoretical and design point of view.
During classroom exercises students are allowed to bring their own computers and tablets, and they will apply theoretical knowledge to an exercise, a real case study, or a project.
For non-attending students, it is important to stay up-to-date on the course through the Elly platform, the only communication tool used for direct teacher / student contact.

Assessment methods and criteria

The learning verification includes two written tests, one in itinere and one at the end of the lessons, for students who are attending the lessons. The actual possibility of carrying out these tests is linked to the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic, and therefore cannot be guaranteed. The teacher will give updated information in the classroom about the possibility and availability of appropriate classes. The tests are based on open-ended questions lasting 1.5 hours. The test normally consists of 3/4 questions that can cover theoretical content, demonstrations, exercises faced during the course; demonstrations and theoretical treatises have a weight of 1.0; technical drawings weight 1.5; exercises weight 2.0. The final grade is calculated by assigning to each question an evaluation from 0 to 30 and making the weighted average of the individual evaluations, with final rounding up; the test is passed if it reaches a score of at least 18 points. The dates of the partial tests will be communicated by the teacher during the lessons. To complete the score obtained in the written tests (which do not have a deadline), the student can ask the teacher for an integration by means of an oral test, consisting of a discussion of the contents of the course, both theoretical and practical (drawings and exercises). The oral test is evaluated with a scale of 0-30, To obtain the final grade it is necessary to proceed to the arithmetic average of the grades of the two tests (both in thirtieth).
For students who have not taken the tests in itinere, or for all students in case it was not possible to take them, the exam is given in oral mode. The test consists of a discussion of the contents of the course, both theoretical and practical (drawings and exercises); it is evaluated on a 0-30 scale and the grade is immediately communicated to the student.
Please note that the online registration is COMPULSORY both in the case of written and oral exams. Praise is awarded in the case of reaching the maximum score on each item to which is added the mastery of the disciplinary vocabulary.

Other information


2030 agenda goals for sustainable development


Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

T. +39 0521 905111

Quality assurance office

Education manager:
Lucia Orlandini

T.+39 0521 906542
Office E.
Manager E.

President of the degree course

Barbara Bigliardi

Faculty advisor

Fabrizio Moroni

Career guidance delegate

Fabrizio Moroni

Tutor professor

Fabrizio Moroni