cod. 1007700

Academic year 2020/21
2° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Scienze e tecnologie alimentari (AGR/15)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Type of training activity
42 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Integrated course unit module: C.I. ECONOMICS OF FOOD QUALITY SCHEME

Learning objectives

The aim of the course is to illustrate the main processes of the food technology and how they impact on the physicochemical and sensory properties of the final products. The modification of the quality of food during its shelf-life will also be considered, depending on the treatments applied and the storage conditions used.
At the end of the course the student will be able to illustrate the main food treatments, and how they impact on the quality of the final products. The student will also be able to identify the best storage conditions for fresh or processed foods, useful for avoiding physicochemical and sensory alterations during shelf-life.
Thanks to the information provided, the student will be able to critically discuss the quality and stability of food, extending the concepts to all product categories, regardless of the specific case studies covered during the course.
The student will acquire a technical-scientific language suitable for communicating the knowledge learned, with a view to the marketing and distribution of food.
At the end of the course, the student will have developed a critical view on the issues concerning food technologies and the phusicochemical and sensory quality of food, and will therefore be able to consult and independently use technical-scientific or informative material.


Basic notions of chemistry, physics and food technologies.

Course unit content

During the course, the concept of food quality will be treated, with a particular focus to the physicochemical and sensory traits. A central part of the course will be dedicated to the impact of the main industrial processes on the quality of food and how the quality itself changes during the products shelf-life. Some examples of model foods will then be illustrated, classified on the base of intrinsic or process-induced physicochemical properties.

Full programme

The topics covered in the course concern the following aspects:
- Introduction to the concept of food quality.
- Physicochemical parameters influencing the quality and stability of food during production or storage.
- Food technology processes and their impact on the quality of different product categories.
- Techniques for assessing the physicochemical and sensory quality of food.


a) Selected readings prepared by the teacher using articles and book chapters in Italian and English.
b) Pagliarini Ella (2002). Valutazione sensoriale: aspetti teorici, pratici e metodologici. Hoepli.
c) Didactic material used during classes

Teaching methods

Classes will be organized face-to-face with the possibility to follow the lessons also remotely in synchronous (steaming via Teams) and asynchronous mode (uploaded on the Elly page of the course). Lessons will be recorded for any asynchronous use. During the lessons in synchronous mode (direct), mainly frontal moments will alternate with interactive moments with the students. Practical activities regarding sensory analysis will be carried out, both as individual activities and in small groups. Teaching will be carried out with the help of slides that will represent teaching material. The recommended texts are in support and integration of the slides. The slides will be available online on Elly in pdf format for students. The slides will be uploaded before each class and not all together at the beginning of the course.

Assessment methods and criteria

The learning assessment of the Food Technology module will be carried out through a single PARTIAL TEST through a written exam. Registration for the PARTIAL TEST will be done online through the ESSE3 SYSTEM.
The verification method consists of a written test with 5 open questions, each having the same weight (maximum 6 points). The time available for the test is a maximum of 2 hours. The grade is expressed out of thirty. Honors will be awarded, at the discretion of the instructor, if an excellent level of learning of the expected results is verified.
The appropriateness of the technical-scientific language, the concepts learned and the ability to connect different topics will be evaluated.
If taking the written exam in the classroom is impossible, due to due to rules imposed by the University, the exam will be carried out remotely through an interview viaTeams.

Other information

During classes, the correct use of technical language will be illustrated and the connections between the various parts of the course will be underlined. These aspects are essential for a complete understanding of the subject. With the aim to promote active participation in the course, various individual and small group activities will be proposed. For this reason, the attendance of the course, even if not mandatory, is strongly recommended.

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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