cod. 1002778

Academic year 2019/20
1° year of course - Second semester
Professor responsible for the course unit
RIZZI Federica Maria Angela
integrated course unit
9 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Course unit structured in the following modules:

Learning objectives

To understand, to acquire skills and to be able to communicate relevant concepts concerning:
structure and functions of the main bio-molecules (proteins, nucleic acids, enzymes and co-enzymes);
the mechanisms of metabolic energy production, energetic and structural homeostasis of living cells, the molecular mechanisms of genetic information,


Before taking the exam of "Biochimica e Biologia Molecolare" students have to pass:

Chimica e propedeutica Biochimica

Course unit content

The course introduce relevant information and knowledge on the main molecules constituting living organisms. The course is organized in 3 modules:
Biochemistry A: Proteins: structure and functions. Myoglobin, hemoglobin and oxygen transport. Enzymes and enzyme kinetics. Cofactors and coenzymes used in metabolic reactions. Bioenergetics and biological oxidation. ATP, structure and functions. Reducing power, oxidative phosphorylation, the role of oxygen metabolism.
Biochemistry C: Structure functions and mechanism of action of vitamins. Biochemical mechanisms of blood coagulation. Biochemical mechanisms of calcium homeostasis.
MOLECULAR BIOLOGY: The course provides basic knowledge on the molecular aspects of the transmission of genetic information. The course initially introduces the basics of the concept of inheritance, and then introduces nucleic acids as molecules able to ensure the transmission of the genetic information through DNA replication, RNA transcription and proteins translation. Then will be introduced the concepts of DNA damage/mutation and the impact of DNA mutation on human health. Finally the course will provide the basis for the knowledge of the main techniques used for DNA/RNA manipulation, and their application in various fields of research, diagnosis, forensic medicine and treatment of human diseases.

Full programme

Folding and protein stability, structural motifs and protein classifications. Protein-ligand interaction, protein folding diseases. BIOCHEMISTRY A: Myoglobin, hemoglobin and oxygen transport. Enzymes and enzyme kinetics. Cofactors and coenzymes used in metabolic reactions. Bioenergetics and biological oxidation. ATP, structure and functions. Reducing power, oxidative phosphorylation, the role of oxygen in metabolism.
Structure functions and mechanism of action of liposoluble vitamins. Biochemical mechanisms of : light perception, blood coagulation, calcium homeostasis.
MOLECULAR BIOLOGY: Molecular basis of genetic information. Composition and structure of nucleic acids. Chromatine, chromosomes and genes. DNA replication, DNA damage and mutation, DNA repair. Types of RNA: structure and functions. Mechanisms and regulation of transcription. Genetic code and its properties. Protein synthesis and its regulation. Regulation of gene expression.


Nelson DL, Cox MM: I principi di Biochimica di Lehninger, Zanichelli, Bologna.

JD Watson et al.: Biologia Molecolare del gene. Zanichelli, Bologna.

Lieberman, Marks: Biochimica Medica, un approccio clinico. Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, Milano.
Baynes JW, Dominiczak MH: Biochimica per le discipline biomediche, Elsevier Mosby, Philadelphia.
Caldarera CM: Biochimica Sistematica Umana, CLUEB, Bologna.
Devlin TM: Biochimica con aspetti clinici. Wiley-Liss, New York.
Garrett RH, Grisham CM: Biochimica. Piccin, Padova.
Mathews CK, van Holde KE, Ahern KG: Biochimica, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, Milano.
Murray RK, Granner DK, Mayes PA, Rodwell VW; Harper Biochimica, McGraw-Hill Libri Italia srl, Milano.
Siliprandi, Tettamanti: Biochimica Medica, Piccin. Padova.
Voet D, Voet JG: Biochimica John Wiley & Sons, USA.

Teaching methods

The course will be held with oral lectures and seminars to deep single issues, and will make use of multimedia systems. During the lessons, students will have the opportunity to discuss the key aspects of the course. Teachers will be available throughout the duration of the course to answer questions and support students during their training with individual meetings by appointment.

Assessment methods and criteria

Written examination: multiple choice questions on the topics illustrated during the course. The number of questions is 30, for each one 5 possible answers are proposed. Only one answer is correct. The student is given 60 minutes to finish the test. During the marking process, for each correct answer one point is given, while for each missing or wrong answer zero points are given. If the test is successful (marks> or equal to 18/30), the student can ask to proceed with the grade recording or to take an integrative oral examination. In the event that the student's preference falls on the second option, the final grade will be the average of the results reported in the two tests.

Other information

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