cod. 1008637

Academic year 2020/21
2° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Audiologia (MED/32)
Scienze teorico-pratiche della logopedia
Type of training activity
14 hours
of face-to-face activities
2 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Integrated course unit module: LOGOPEDIA II

Learning objectives

consequences of hearing impairment in the different age groups, the role of the speech therapist, the skills required withe in a dedicated multi-professional team, the international guidelines on the treatment of pre-verbal hearing loss and the Regional path of deafness with LEAs (essential levels of care) and adults deef


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Course unit content

consequences of hearing impairment in the different age groups, the role of the speech therapist, the skills required within a dedicated multi-professional team, the international guidelines on the treatment of pre-verbal hearing loss and the Regional path of deafness with LEAs (essential levels of care) and adults deef

Full programme

The speech-language approach in the treatment of children with hearing impairments:

• treatment: guidelines
• therapeutic approaches

• monitoring of communicative-linguistic skills
Logopedic rehabilitation of the adult patient with acquired hearing loss


A. Martini, O.Schindler – La Sordità Perlinguale- Omega Edizioni.

Linee guida Internazionali per la diagnosi ed il trattamento delle sordità: ASHA Roles of Speech-Language Pathologists and Teachers of Children Who Are Deaf and Hard
of Hearing in the Development ofCommunicative and Linguistic Competence.

Teaching methods

The lectures, supplemented by practical exercises and video viewing on clinical cases in evaluation and treatment, are intended to provide an adequate theoretical knowledge and awareness of acting in the professional approach. The student must also acquire a specific language that makes him capable of comparison with other professionals. At the end of the course and traineeship, the student, on the basis of knowledge and understanding, will acquire descriptive and observational skills of a therapeutic act in the developmental age and in adults, plan a treatment session for specific objectives

Assessment methods and criteria

Written test Oral exam with multiple teachers, in order to ascertain the quality and level of knowledge and understanding of the course contents and the ability to apply the acquired knowledge to professional practice. The judgment will also evaluate the quality of participation in the lectures of the student.

Other information

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