cod. 1007916

Academic year 2020/21
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Scienze tecniche mediche applicate (MED/50)
Scienze teorico-pratiche della logopedia
Type of training activity
14 hours
of face-to-face activities
2 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Integrated course unit module: LOGOPEDICS I

Learning objectives

At the end of the course, the student must be able to:
- Understand the meaning of human communication and the importance of recognizing the rights and needs of the person with serious communication difficulties.
- Understand and explain the principles underlying an AAC intervention: advantages and complexity.
- Recognize the communication needs of pediatric and adult subjects with different motor and communication disabilities.
- Know the strategies, tools and technologies to support AAC, know how to compare and analyze them in a critical way in relation to different clinical cases.
- Plan a course of evaluation and treatment in AAC.
- Use a specific language that enables him to interact with other professionals.


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Course unit content

This teaching module aims to provide the necessary knowledge to carry out an Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC) project for people with developmental disabilities and acquired disabilities. The course transmits knowledge of the theorical reference elements, of the assessment methodology and of the learning and communication strategies.

Full programme

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“Manuale di Comunicazione Aumentativa e Alternativa-Interventi per bambini e adulti con complessi bisogni comunicativi” David R., Beukelman e Pat Mirenda. Edizione italiana a cura di Aurelia Rivarola, Gabriella Veruggio e Emanuela Maggioni. Ed.Erickson
“La Comunicazione Aumentativa Alternativa tra pensiero e parola-Le possibilità di recupero comunicativo nell’ambito delle disabilità verbali e cognitive” Maria Luisa Gava. Ed. FrancoAngeli
“Disabilità cognitivo-linguistica e comunicazione aumentativa alternativa” Irene Sartori. Ed. FrancoAngeli
“Immagini per parlare-Percorsi di comunicazione aumentativa alternativa per persone con disturbi autistici” Paola Visconti, Marcella Peroni, Francesca Ciceri. Vannini Editrice
Articoli scientifici sull’argomento.
Sito internet www.isaacitaly.it

Teaching methods

Lessons will be conducted with mixed teaching (distance teaching and face-to-face teaching), favoring the synchronous mode with frontal set and active teaching. Active learning will be supported by dialogical comparison on clinical cases described or presented through video projection: the discussion, supported by individual insights and reflections and / or small group activities, will lead to the drafting of the rehabilitation project, starting from a shared evaluation with the class. The slides used to support the lessons will be provided at the end of the course.

Assessment methods and criteria

Ongoing formative assessment with written test and subsequent feedback on the outcome. Oral exam in the presence of several teachers, in order to ascertain the quality and level of knowledge and understanding of the course contents and the ability to apply the knowledge acquired to professional practice. The judgment will also evaluate the quality of student’s participation in lessons.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

E. segreteria.medicina@unipr.it
T. +39 0521 033700

Quality Assurance Office

Education Manager:
Dr. Claudia Simone

T. +39 0521 033732
Office email didattica.dimec@unipr.it
Manager's email claudia.simone@unipr.it
Course President
Prof. Andrea Bacciu
E. andrea.bacciu@unipr.it

Guidance delegate

Prof. Maria Teresa Berghenti
E. mariateresa.berghenti@unipr.it

Tutor professors

Prof. Andrea Bacciu
E. andrea.bacciu@unipr.it
Prof. Maria Teresa Berghenti
E. mariateresa.berghenti@unipr.it
Prof. Vincenzo Vincenti
E. vincenzo.vincenti@unipr.it
Prof. Enrico Pasanisi
E. enrico.pasanisi@uinipr.it
Prof. Filippo Di Lella
E. filippo.dilella@unipr.it

Quality Assurance Manager

Prof. Vincenzo Vincenti
E. vincenzo.vincenti@unipr.it