Learning objectives
The course aims to enable the student to know and understand the etiology, pathogenesis, symptomatology, diagnosis and treatment of major diseases of surgical interest chest.
Knowledge of Anatomy and Physiology.
Course unit content
The lessons cover general topics such as the use of chest drains and issues related to the most frequent thoracic pathologies requiring surgical treatment such as cancers of the lung, pleura and mediastinum, pneumothorax and thoracic traumas.
It covers aspects of the pathogenesis, clinical symptomatology, diagnosis and treatment of diseases and are taken into account the possible problems of the patient undergoing surgery for diseases listed above.
Full programme
1) Lung Cancer
2) Lung metastases
3) tumors of the pleura
4) tumors of the chest wall
5) tumors of the mediastinum
6) Pneumothorax
7) Trauma of the chest
8) Thoracic drains 9)Pleural effusion 10)Pleural empyema
1. Patologia Toracica di interesse chirurgico. Carbognani-Ampollini-Rusca. Monte Università Parma Editore.
Teaching methods
lectures using audiovisual tools and classroom discussion
Assessment methods and criteria
The assessment of the achievement of the objectives of the course consists of an oral examination. Through questions about the contents of the course will be determined whether the student has achieved the goal of knowledge and understanding of the content.
Other information
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