cod. 21948

Academic year 2022/23
5° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Medicina legale (MED/43)
Medicina e sanità pubblica e degli ambienti di lavoro e scienze medico legali
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
3 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Integrated course unit module: FORENSIC MEDICINE

Learning objectives

Student learns to deal with all situations regarding health with legal implications. Is able to give information to the citizen / patient about
his/her rights due to his/her health conditions


Students have to attend to the 75% of the oral lessons

Course unit content

Duties that the doctor has towards the law, the patient and the ethics.
Relationship between doctor and juridical authority, doctor and sanitary authority and doctor and patient.

Full programme

The forensic medicine as a medical discipline, duties and functions of legal medicine. The legal medicine and forensic medicine; - The medicolegal methodology , data evaluation and diagnosis in forensic medicine, the analysis of the causaty, the medico-legal judgment and its relevance. - Professional liability - The material element of the offense; the material causality; The excuses of crime - The psychologic element of the offense; the attribution and its legal and biological basis - Forensic medicine:
technical advice and expertise - Confidentiality and privacy legislation -
The state of necessity, self-defense - The medical activity documentation:
medical certificate and medical records - Compulsory medical treatment - The report to the juddicial authority Assessment of death and legislation on organ transplants - Police Regulations on dead people - Forensic
Thanatology: assessment of death and tanatochronology - Forensic Traumatology. - Scene of crime investigation - Crimes against the life and personal safety (personal injury) -Crimes against sexual freedom - Law on
abortion - The law on assisted reproduction - The penal juridical capacity:imptability- The civil juridical capacity -Introduction to Forensic
Toxicology - Introduction to Forensic Anthropology - Medical ethics and
bioethics - The doctor-patient relationship - Informed consent - The rights of the terminally ill patient: palliative care and advance directives for treatment (living wills) - Compensation for personal injury tort - The
biological damage - The Social Security System: Assistance and Social Security - Private insurance


Manuale di medicina legale I edizione (2017) DI LUCA N. M. - FEOLA T.
Cecchi R. - Ciallella C. - Marinelli E. - Marsella L. T. - Ricci S. - Vecchiotti C.
Volume di 592 pagine Edizioni Minerva Medica ISBN-13 978-88-7711-889-

Teaching methods

Lessons will take place partially in presence and partially online, following the organization of the Course. Students will also have video-taped lessons available on Teams platform. Practical exercises, connected to the lessons, will take place in presence, or in tele-presence (online) system.
The powerpoints of the lessons will be uploaded on the Elly portal.
Online lessons will take place on the Teams platform.

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral examination

Other information

The platform to be used (via Teams / Elly / Respondus) and the corresponding guides:;;
https: // elly. (Employee name).

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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